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Unit1 Teaching plan(八年级英语上册)3-15-98

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简介:感谢网友“可莉”参与投稿,下面是小编为大家整理的Unit1 Teaching plan(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)(共17篇),仅供大家参考借鉴,希望大家喜欢!

篇1:初二英语Unit 13(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 49



1. A: Would you like to …

B: Certainly. I’d love to.

2. A: I hope you can …

B. Thanks. I’d love to.






Step 1 Revision


Step 2 Presentation


1. A: Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my party?

B: Oh, thanks very much. I’d love to.

A:I hope both Jim and you will come.

B: OK.

2. A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, Why?

A: Would you go out for a walk with me?

B: I’d love to.

A: I hope Jim will go with us, too.


Step 3 Drill



教:birthday: the day when you were born

Step 4 Presentation


打开书,教师解释:be going to, forget to do

be going to 将要干…

1. I’m going to have a party next Sunday.

2. We are going to Xiangshan Park.

3. Are they going to have a football match tomorrow? Yes, they are.

forget to do 忘记要做的事

1. Don’t forget to tell Jim.

2. I forgot to tell you.

3. Don’t forget to read the text tonight.

4. Don’t forget to watch football match.

5. I forgot to bring my homework.

Step 5 Practice


同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。


Step 6 Consolidation

做第三部分。教单词:invite: ask sb to come to home film


Step 7 Exercises in class

1.-Would you like____(go) with us?

-Yes, I____.

2. Would you like ____ sweets?

3.1 remember ____ her at the conference last year.

4. Don’t forget ____ the letters.

Keys: 1. to go, ’d love to. 2.some. 3. meeting. 4. to post.

Choose the right answers.

( )l. The party is going to start ____ half past seven.

A. at B. on C. to D. in

( )2. I hope ____ help me with my English.

A. you to B. him to C. you will D. will you

( )3. Don’t forget ____ the door when you leave. It’s snowy this evening.

A. close B. to close C. closed D. closing

( )4. Thank you for ____ me to your party.

A. invite B. invited C. inviting D. to invite

( )5. ____ great the party is ! ____ beautiful presents!

A. What, What B. How, How C. What, How D. How, What

( )6. There is going to ____ a party at Xiao Ming’s home.

A. have B. be C. has D. is

( )7.-I’m going to Hong Kong. Didn’t you know?

-____. Jim told me bout it.

A. No. I did B. No, I didn’t

C. Yes, I didn’t D. Yes, I did

Answers: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D

Step 8 Homework

1. Try to use your own words to make up new dialogues.

2. Make sentences with the following phrases.

Part 1

1) come to 2) would love/like to… 3)forget to do/doing 4) hope (a sentence) 5)be sure (a sentence).

Part 2

6)What a! 7)be going to do/be

Part 3

8)thank for sth / doing sth 9)be free 10) here be …for sb

Blackboard handwriting

Can you …. birthdayI’d love to… inviteI hope you… filmWould you like to …?Don’t forget to …

Lesson 50,52第一、二部分(一或两课时)




会正确应用:May I speak to..., please?

Hold on, please.


Can I take a message?等等。






建议Lesson 50和Lesson 52一起课讲。


Step 1 Revision


A: Hello, this is Kate. Who is it?

B: This is Hanmei. Kate, would you like to come to my home and do homework with me? I want you to help me with my English.

A: Ok. I’d love to, when?

B: What about 3 o’clock?

A: All right, see you then.

B: See you.

注:类似的一组对话可以复习到:This is…, Who is it? Would you like to…等以前的知识。


It starts at 4:30, doesn’t it?

It rains every day here, doesn’t it?

He works very hard, doesn’t he?

She gets up early every day, doesn’t she?


Ann studies very hard, ________ she?

Miss Gao loves us, ________ she?

Li Lei is a good student, __________ she?

It’s a fine day, ________ it?

They all like English very much, _______ they?

Step 2 Presentation

Teacher: Do you like giving phone calls to your classmates or friends? If yes, what would you say first?

1) Hello.

2) May I speak to××?

3) This is ××speaking!

4) Who is it? And so on.

You ask the students to understand what to say, and what the purpose of the phone call is.



打开书,教师解释:take a message和give the message

Step 3 Practice


同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。

Step 4 presentation

教单词:telephone: phone double: two times

老师事先和一位同学准备好Lesson 52 对话,双方拿电话机在班上展示。让这位同学在投影片填好电话留言卡,其他同学在老师事先印好的电话留言卡上填写, 然后老师在投影仪上订正。提醒学生填写电话留言卡要简单扼要,它的读者只有一个人。如果大都知道Zhang Yujing 是谁,用一句祈使句即可。如:本课的电话卡message内容:

She called you. Please call her.

打开书,跟读录音,pair work,直到较熟悉为止。

Step 5 Practice:



Step 6 Consolidation

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

1. I’m afraid I may be a little late.

I’m afraid ______ I ______ ______a little late.

2. She isn’t here right now.

She is ______ ______ ______ ______.

3. Can I take her a message?

Can I take a message ______ ______?

4. I’m very sorry, but I can’t come.

I’m ______ I can’t come.

5. I’ll get her the message.

I’ll ______ the message ______ ______.

Answers: 1. maybe, will be 2. away at the moment 3. for her 4. afraid 5. give, to her

Complete the dialogue

A. She is out at the moment.B. What"s your phone number?C. You are welcome.D. Hold on for a moment, please.E. Yes.

A: Hello, could I speak to Mary, please?

B: 1 I"m sorry 2 .Can I take a message?

A: 3 , Please ask her to call me, please.

B: OK, 4 .

A: 62578181. Thank you.

B. 5

Keys: 1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C

Step 7 Homework

将课上两两做的pairs work整理成系统完整的邀请对话,内容不限,可以是邀请聚会,去你家做客,一起去买东西等。此作业可以让学生2人或3人一组共同做一份。

Blackboard handwriting

May I speak to …please? Hold on, please. ... speaking. I’d love to. Can I take a message? Could I speak to …please? I’m afraid he / she isn’t here. Thank you for doing… I’ll give her / him the message. I’m sorry, but I cannot…

Lesson 51,52第三部分(一或两课时)



会正确应用这些话语:We’re ready! That’s the bell. Where is everyone? Here is your present. Oh, thank you. There is no time to think. Thank you, everyone. Here is your birthday present. I hope you like it. 等。






Step 1 Revision



Step 2 Presentation


1. Is there sandwiches at the party?

A. Yes. B. No.

2. Did Li Lei come to Ann’s party?

A. Yes. B. No.

3. Did Li Lie give Ann present?

A. Yes. B. No.

4. Did the twins come to the party?

A. Yes. B. No.

5. Did they give Ann any present?

A. Yes. B. No.

6. Did Jim come here?

A. Yes. B. No.

7. Did Jim give Ann present?

A. Yes. B. No.

8. Do you know how old Ann is?

A. Yes. B. No.

Step 3 Practice


教单词:ready sandwich candle

让学生自己读 doorbell present smile


1)What time did Ann’s party begin?

2)How many friends came to Ann’s party?

3)What present did the friends give Ann?

4)Did Ann like them?


half past four sandwich be ready candles feel happy birthday present



5.学习Lesson 52的第三部分,方法同上。

Step 4 Consolidation

Fill in the blanks with the proper from in the given words.

1. Everything ______ (be) ready for Ann’s birthday party now.

2. ______ Ann ______ (feel) happy last Sunday?

3. When I ______ (run) to the door. I ______ (find) him outside.

4. I must go now. There’s no time ______ (think).

5. Thank you for ______ (invite) me to your party.

6. Listen! The doorbell ______ (ring).

Answers: 1.is 2.Did, feel 3.ran, found 4.to think 5.inviting 6.is ringing

Choose the right answers:

( ) 1. We are going to ____ Ann’s 14th birthday next Sunday.

A. have B .celebrate C .enjoy D .give

( )2. Ann hopes ____ to her birthday party this Sunday.

A. us come B.US to come C. our coming D. we will come

( )3. ____ beautiful present! I like it very much.

A. How B. What a C. What D. How a

( )4. We gave her the presents and said ‘Happy birthday’____ her!

A. to B. with C. at D. for

( )5. I saw ____ but a pencil in the pencil - box.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

( )6. The teacher can’t find Kate. She ____ be at school.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t

( )7. What are they doing? They are ____ their cat.

A. looking B. looking for C. finding D. finding out

Answers: 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B

Step 5 Homework

1. Retell the text in the past tense.

2. Make up a story based on Ann’s birthday.

3. Make a birthday card.

4. Make a dialogue (On the phone)

Blackboard handwriting

be ready feel happy That’s the doorbell. Happy Birthday Here is / are your present(s). sb’s fourteenth birthday …nothing but … turn … over I don’t know what present it is.

篇2:初二英语Unit 10(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 37

Teaching Objectives:

掌握there be结构的过去时态的运用;


Properties: Tape recorder. Overhead projector, posters of bands

Language FOCUS: give a concert journalist band the Beatles Sweden-Swedish

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Revise the past tense forms of the verbs.

move –moved do –did get –got find –found is –was are -were

Step 2 Leading - in

课前教师可准备The Beatles的歌曲:yesterday。先播放这首歌曲,然后告诉学生这首歌曲是The Beatles乐队的演唱的。接着让学生说说他们对这个乐队的了解。教师课前要对这个乐队的背景知识进行了解,在上课时要介绍他们的一些知识。

Step 3 Listen, read and act

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask Why do they call the band “yesterday”?

Teach the words tonight and concert.

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Ask them to finish the chart, making sure the Ss understand the dialogue.

Explain the words and phrases;

Sweden→Swedish give a concert journalist the Beatles

Have the students read the dialogue to each other and act it out.

Retell sth. about the Swedish rock band according to the dialogue.

Step 4 Practise

Make up a similar interview.

eg. interview “the Beatles” or one’s favourite band.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Have the students work in pairs-one is the journalist and the other is Erik. Then switch roles and read the dialogue again.

Choose several pairs to say their dialogue for the class

Step 6 Exercises in class

Complete the dialogue according to Lesson 37.

A: Hello! I am a ______ from the CCTV.

B: Hello! I’m Erik, a ______ in the Swedish ______ band.

A: Is this your first visit ______ China?

B: No, we ______ here last year.

A: ______ were you only three singers in your band?

B: Became one of ______ left the band last month.

A: Why do you ______ your band ‘Yesterday’?

B: Because we like old ______.

A: You come from ______. Why do you sing ______ English?

B: Most Swedish people can ______ English. People in many countries can ______ English songs.

A: When are you going to give a ______?

B: We are going to make it ______.

A: This evening? That s great! Can you sing some songs in ______?

B: Sorry, but I want to learn Chinese. Next time I may sing a Chinese song _______ you.

A: OK. Good ______ this evening!

B: Thank you! Bye!

Answers: journalist singer rock to were Why us call music Sweden in speak understand concert tonight Chinese for luck.

Step 7 Homework

Writing: my Favourite Band/Singer

Introduction of the band + why do you like it.

Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 37the Swedish rock band your first visit to…visit China leave the bandgive a concert a band called The Beatles’


由学生感兴趣的The Beatles的歌曲yesterday引入本课两部分要谈论的话题,先入为主的方法使学生对本课的内容一开始就产生了兴趣。

Lesson 38


(1)掌握重点单词和词组:at the end of ,gave a concert , more than





Step 1 Revision.

(1)Dictation:要求学生写出下列单词的过去式:give, enjoy, jump, fall, break, sing, learn,


主语+动词过去式 主语+动词原形(当主语为第三人称单数动词词尾加s)

(3)Ask the Ss to say something about the Swedish band “Yesterday” they knew about from the last lesson, so as to lead to today’s topic.

Step2 Leading - in

课前教师布置学生从网站、杂志、电视等媒体中搜集有关The Beatles的知识,他们演唱的歌曲,联系上一课所学的知识,加深对这个乐队的了解。

T: Last time, we know a Swedish band “Yesterday” is visiting China and is going to give a concert in Kunming. In today’s lesson, let’s go to their concert and find out what happened.

Discuss the following question in small group.

A.Do you like music?

B.Which band does you like best?

C.Why do you like it?

Step3 Presentation

1. Look at the picture and describe what the concert is like. Do you think it’s a successful concert?

2. Have you ever been to a concert? Can you describe one that gave you very deep impression?

3. Answer the questions according to what one heard.

When and where did the Swedish rock band give their concert?

How many people were at the concert?

Why were there so many people?

Were there many old people there? Why not?

How many singers were there at the start of the concert?

What happened in the middle of the concert?

Did the concert go on after Max left?

What did Erik do at the end of the concert?

How did he learn the Chinese song?

Did Elsa sing a song in Chinese?

4. Open the books and ask the Ss to go over the passage slowly by themselves after understanding the general idea of the passage.

5. Explain

(1) more than less than

eg. There’re more than 100 teachers in our school.

(2) fall (fell) down

eg. Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

(3) go on = continue

eg. Go on trying and you II succeed.

Let’s go on to discuss the next project.

I’m sorry to interrupt you. Please go on with your speech.

(4) at the end of at the start/beginning of

eg. At the start of the new term, I made many plans, but I found few were done at the end at the term.

6. 最后教师让学生根据课文填写此表

7. Retell the passage.

Step 4 Exercises in class

___1___the night of April 21, the___2___rock band “Yesterday”___3___a concert in Kunming. More than 5000 people were at the concert and___4___of them were young people.

___5___the concert an accident happened. The Max___6___and___7___his leg. He was taken to hospital. The other two singers___8___the concert. Eriks even___9___a Chinese song, because he likes___10___Chinese songs.

1. A. on B. at C. in

2. A. Sweden B. Swedish C. Swiss

3. A. gives B. given C. gave

4. A. many B. plenty C. most

5. A. At B. At the end of C. In the middle of

6. A. fell down B. fell off C. fell over

7. A. broken B. broke C. breaks

8. A. went on B. went on to C. went on with

9. A. sang B. sings C. song

10.A. listen B. listening to C. hearing




There are ________ ________ five thousand students in our school.


One of the _______ ______ a ________ ________ in the ________ _______ the concert.


He asked the child _________ _________ jump _________ ________ ________.


I’m very _______, but my brother is very ________.


He ______ ______ from the bike and ______ his leg yesterday.


I’m ______ ______ ______ English and I want to learn it ______.

Answers: 1. more than 2. singers had, little accident, middle of 3. not to, up and down 4. careful, careless 5. fell down, broke 6. trying to learn, well

Step5 Summary



1. Retell the passage

2.Wb. Exercise


The design of the blackboard



Lesson 39

Teaching Objectives:


Properties: Maps, Pictures of Xinjiang and Tibet

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Talk about the Beatles.

Step 2 Leading - in

Have you ever been to Tibet or Xinjiang? Showing pictures of the two places and ask the Ss to say sth. from their own knowledge. Tell Ss Erik has been there.

Step 3 Practice

1. Ask the Ss to do the match exercise by themselves.

2. Check the answer

3.Teach the words part, tourist. Explain the phrases go back and in a hurry.

3. Have the students practise the dialogue together.

4. Act out the interview.要求学生分别扮演Li Weiyin 和Erik,表现Li Weiyin采访Erik的真实情景。

Step 4 Ask and answer

Have the students pretend one is a journalist and the other is either Erik OR Elsa in pairs. Practise the dialogue.

Interview Erik and Elsa. Ask one group of Ss to be interviewers and prepare interview possible questions. The other Ss are Erik and Elsa. They should be ready for being interviewed.

Choose several pairs to act out the interview.

Step 5 Exercises in class



Did you _______ Beijing?


I like Xingjiang’s _________ and ________.


There are ________ _________ _________ _________ in Tulufan.


Did you visit _______ _______ _______ of China before you _______ to Beijing?


He ________ _________ _________ yesterday, so he went to school ________ _______ ______.

Answers: 1. visit 2. music, dancing 3. lots of delicious grapes 4. any other place, came 5. got up late, in a hurry

Step 6 Homework

1. Writing; Interview Erik and Elsa

2.Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 40

Teaching Objectives:

掌握本课的重点短语:get married



Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Objectives:

Step 1 Revision

Ask the Ss to say out the interview between a journalist and Erik and Elsa.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Ask the Ss to summarize the pronunciation rules of the sounds /s/ /z/ /sp - / /st-/ /sk-/ /sw- / /sm - / give some example words.

Read the words in the book and check their voices to see if they are correct

Then show flashcards with more words and get the students to pronounce the words.

Do Wb Lesson 40, Ex. 1. Have the students practise pronouncing the words.

Step 3 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is Max’s problem?

Play the tape two more times and have the students circle the place where Max’s passport is.

Step 4 Reading

Ask the Ss to read the passage by themselves, bearing the following questions in mind.

What band did Elsa’s mother and father like a lot?

What is her father good at? And what isn’t he good at?

Play the tape for the students to listen.

Get the students to guess the meaning of science. Teach subjects by saying, Englsih, maths and science are all subjects in school.

Have the students tell you What other subjects do you have?

Have the students read the passage. Say what happened in each year







Explain the usage of “marry”.

marry, vi. eg. Harry didn’t marry until 50.

marry. vt. ~ sb. eg. John is going to marry Jane.

be/get married eg. They’ve got married for 4 years.

Step 5 Writing

A Family Member

First let the students to talk about a member of his family.

When and where was he born?

What did he do?

What did he like?


Step 6 Rhyme. Friendship

Have the students read over the rhyme and practise it.


Step 7 Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Elsa’s father was born is ______, the capital of Sweden. When he was at school, he was bad at ____ and ______. His _____ sport was football. In 1967, he ______ Elsa"s mother. He liked ‘The Beatles’ ______.

Answers: Stockholm maths science favourite manned best

Step 8 Homework

1.Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Writing: A Family Member

The design of the blackboard

篇3:初二英语Unit 11(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 41






Step 1 Revision

老师可先做Duty Report, 除规定的内容外,必须让值日生回答以下几个问题: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? 然后将答案(完全形式和缩略形式)写在黑板上,并让学生视听,初步了解英文日期的表达与中文顺序的不同。然后全班问学生几个问题:What day is our National Day? October 1st. / Oct.1st. Which month is the Spring Festival in? Usually in February. Who / Whose mother / Whose father was born in February / April / May / September / October? 最好先找几个学生是在已学过的这几个月份出生的,或他们的父母是在这几个月份出生的,这样可先复习学过的几个月份。按季节做以下表格。先填出学过的季节和月份。学完生词后填满表格。

Step 2 Presentation

Learn and practise

Today we’ll study the first month, the third month, the sixth month, the seventh month, the eighth month, and the eleventh month of the year.

以下单词符合发音规律,请同学们自己拼读, 应该不会有太大的困难。

March June July


autumn August February January September November, December

past last sing spring sea season 先让学生根据旧单词读出划线部分,然后再读整个单词。




T: How many months are there in a year?

Students: There are twelve months in a year.

T: What are they? Can you say them in English?

Ss: They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.


Ask and answer

T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, slimmer, autumn and winter. Do you know when spring/summer/autumn/winter is in China?


S1: When is spring in China?

S2: It’s from March to May.

S1: When is summer in China?

S2: It’s form June to August.

… …


1. We say “autumn” in Britain, and say “fall” in American English.

2. When we say four seasons, we should use preposition “in”--in spring, in summer, in autumn/fall, in winter.

3. Preposition “on”

On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday, On Thursday, On Friday, On Saturday, On Sunday

4. Preposition “at”

at 6 o clock, at 120 clock, at this time of year.

5. Preposition “in”

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.


Learn and practise

T: Do you remember the cardinal numbers that we have learnt before?

Let’s count them from one to thirty - one. OK! Could you please write them down in your note - books? Who wants to write the cardinal numbers on due blackboard?


one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve … twenty-one … thirty thirty-one


first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, … twenty-first … thirtieth, thirty-first


Step 3 Practice

T: Which is the first month of the year?

Ss: January is the first month of the year.

T: Show them the answers

1. January is the first month of the year.

2. February is the second month of the year.

3. March is the third month of the year.

4. April is the fourth month of the year.

5. May is the fifth month of the year.

6. June is the sixth month of the year.

7 .July is the seventh month of the year.

8. August is the eighth month of the year.

9. September is the ninth month of the year.

10. October is the tenth month of the year.

11. November is the eleventh month of the year.

12. December is the twelfth month of the year.


两千零三年一月一日 New Year’s Day 日期January the first, two thousand and three / Jan. 1st, , 星期 Wednesday

二月 Spring Festival 日期星期

三月八日 Women’s Day 日期星期

五月一日 Labour Day 日期星期

六月一日 Children’s Day 日期星期

七月一日 Birthday of the Party 日期星期

八月一日 建军节 日期星期

九月十日 Teachers’ Day 日期星期

十二月二十五日 Christmas Day 日期星期

然后让学生练习关于询问最近几天的日期 (pair work),

S1: What day is it today?

S2: It’s November 3rd, /November the third, two thousand and two.

S1: What day was it yesterday?

S2: It was November 2nd, 2002.

… …


What day is it today / tomorrow? What day was it yesterday? What the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? When is your birthday? When is your father’s birthday / your mother’s birthday / your friend’s birthday?


Step 4 Consolidation

编一段小短文,假定我们班一月份有五个同学过生日,说出这五个同学的生日,我们准备给他们集体过生日,要开一个生日Party, 定一个日期。并向全班宣布时间、地点。

Step 5 Exercises in class

Filling in the blanks: (keys in the following brackets)

1. New Year is on January, _________(the first)

2 .May the first is _________(Labor Day)

3. We love our teachers, we say Happy Teachers day on _________ (September, the tenth)

4. Flowers come out in________(spring)

5. Our second school - term lasts from ____ to ____. (February to July).

6. June the first is _________. (Children’s Day).

7. ______ is our National Day. (October, the first)

8.We can make a snow man in _________(winter)

9. September is the _________ month of year. (ninth)

10. ________, the twenty - fifth is Christmas Day. (December).


1. Recite the numbers, seasons and months.

2. Make five English sentences according to this lesson.

3. Do workbook.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 42






Step 1 Revision

1. Duty Report: 让值日生报告,包括以下问题: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday?等,并问学生What’s the weather like today? 老师可自己回答 It’s fine / cold.

2. Review the names of 12 months and four seasons.

Step 2 Presentation


Spring is the first season of the year. The weather is very warm. 教warm, weather. I like spring best. Everything begins to turn green. Flowers come out. We can wear beautiful clothes, again. 教 come out. Summer is the warmest season of the year. It often rains, sometimes quite heavily, in the South. 教 heavily. The crops grow very quickly. 教 crop. Autumn is the busy season of the year. We often help them with their harvest. We really enjoy working on the farm. Because I like working better than having classes in the classroom. 教really. Winter is the coldest of the year. Old people don’t like it, but children like it. Because it sometime snows, sometimes very heavily. 教snow. Children can make a snowman. 教snowman.

引导学生讨论re-reading questions。先找一两个较好的同学说一说,再找几个小组的学生代表在全班展示。



阅读P.12, P.69和P.153三封信。让学生总结写信应有些什么套话。

老师可总结一封信的格式, 用你自己学校的地址。

观察SB P132 信封的写法。也可给让学生看一个真正的用过的信封、信纸。


Step 3 Practise

1)让学生快速阅读这封信,Say something about the weather in spring, summer, autumn and winter in Hangzhou.

2)Say something about the four seasons in Beijing. 可以小组讨论后,代表发言,也可个人发言。

1. There are four seasons in Beijing.

2. It’s windy in spring. It’s warm in autumn.

It’s hot in summer. It’s cold in winter.

3. People like to have a picnic in spring.

They like to swim in summer.

They like to go outing in autumn.

They like to go skiing in winter.

Addition: How many kinds of sports do you know?

eg. running, skating, playing basketball, playing football, playing volleyball, the high jump, the long jump, relay race.


Step 4 Exercises in class

T: Let the students close their English books and fill in the missing words according to the letter. Then check the answers.

___1__Helen ,I___2___you are well. Thank you___3__your last letter. You__4___me about the weather here in China. There__5__four seasons in a year___6__spring,__7__, autumn and winter.

I think spring is the___8__season of the year. The weather___9___warmer, and the days___10__longer.___11__the fields everything begins to___12__. Trees__13__green, and flowers start to come__14__.

Summer__15___after spring. It is the__16__season. It often reins .sometimes quite__17___ The crops grow very quickly. Many people love this__18__of year, __19__it is good for___20__. I often go___21__, sometimes in a___22_near my home, and sometimes in a___23__. I enjoy it very___24__.

___25__is a busy season. The days get___26___and the nights get__27__. It is the harvest time, and all farmers are___28__.Often, we help them___29_the harvest.__30__month we helped them with the rice harvest. We really enjoyed__31__on the farm.

The coldest season of the year is winter. Some people___32___like winter, __33_I like it. Sometimes it snows, and the land is___34__white. Then we can play in the mow. I like to___35___snowmen.

How many seasons are__36___in your country? I___37__it is cold all the year __38__.There are not four seasons,__39__there?


Wang Wei.

Keys: 1. Dear 2. hope 3. for 4. asked 5. are

6.here 7.summer 8.best 9.gets 10. get

11. In 12.grow 13.turn 14.out 15.comes

16.waimest 17.heavily 18. time 19.because 20.sports

21.swimming 22.lake 23.river 24.much 25.Autumn

26. shorter 27. longer 28. busy 29. with 30. Last

31.woiking 32.don’t 33.but 34.all 35.make

36.there 37.hear 38.round 39.are 40.Yours

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the letter fluently.

2. Make sentences with the useful expressions.

3. Try to write a short English letter.

假如Helen 给你也写了一封信,让你谈谈你家乡的四季,请你回一封信。

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 43-L44 教学设计方案







Step 1 Revision


Step 2 Presentation


It’s fine today, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

You’re from Japan, aren’t you? Yes, I am.

They are waiting, aren’t they? No, they aren’t.

He’s a middle school student, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

She is at home now, isn’t she? No, she isn’t. She is at school.

It was Sunday yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes, it was.

Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesn’t he? Yes, he is.

Han Meimei knows Jim a lot, doesn’t she?

They were watching TV yesterday evening, weren’t they? Yes, they were.

You like spring best, don’t you? No, I don’t. I like summer.


Step 3 Drill



Step 4 Practise pair work

联系Part 2 可让学生自由发挥, 如两人谈谈北京的四季,和你家乡的季节,但主要练习反意问句及其回答。

教单词:true near nearly like unlike opposite

Step 5 Listen and repeat

Open your books and do Exercise One, Lesson 44

Pay attention to these pronunciations.

Read the words again.

T: Now let’s do Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers on Page 134.

Then check the answers together.

Step 6 Consolidation

1.看图并谈谈北京的四季。一个学生可重点谈一个季节。练习Lesson 43 Part3.

2.让学生编一个对话,谈谈自己所喜爱的季节。引出一个十分有用的句型:That’s true.

仿照Lesson 44 Part3.

A: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter?

B: That’s an easy question. I think I like spring best.

A: Why?

B: Well, I like travelling. You can do a lot of sightseeing in spring. What about you?

A: Can you guess?

B: You like winter, don’t you?

A: Yes. How did you guess?

B: Because you like skiing.

A: That’s true, but I like summer better than winter.

B: Why?

A: Because I can have a long holiday in Summer then.

3.Listen Lesson 44 Part 4 Read.


Spring Weather Summer Weather Autumn Weather Winter Weather

China Mar- May Warm


Amer-ica Mar- May



Spring Weather Summer Weather Autumn Weather Winter Weather

China Mar- May warmshort June-August hot Aug.-Nov. quite warm Dec.-Feb. very cold

England Mar.-- May longer than in China and USA Not too hot or too cold

Amer-ica Mar- May A nearly the same as China.

Austra-lia Dec.-Feb. The seasons are opposite of China. June-Aug.

Ask the students to look at the two pictures in students Book and describe the pictures in their own words.

Let them talk about the weather in China, in England, in the U. S. A. and in Australia.

4. Go over Checkpoint 11

A: Grammar

1. disjunctive questions 2. the prepositions: in, on and at

B: Useful expressions

1. turn green/yellow/… 2. this year/month/… 3. the next year/month/…

4. be different from 5. What is the date today? 6. What’s the weather like?

Step 7 Exercises in class

Listening practice.

Listen to a story and try to answer the following questions.

Everybody talks about weather. “Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” I think it s going to snow. These are common ways of starting a conversation in England.

Many people think that they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly ever agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see it is cloudy in the east? It’s going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “Yes, it’s cloudy in the east. We’re going to have fine weather tomorrow.”

People often look for the weather they want. When farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell himself that it"s going to rain. When people play in a park on a rainy day, they are sure that the weather is going to be fine soon. They even sit eating their lunch while it rains.

Most people listen to what the weatherman says on the radio. But he doesn’t always tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes he makes a mistake, but he is still right more often than anyone else.


1. How do English people start a conversation?

2. Do many of them think they can tell what the weather is going to be like?

3. Why do they hardly agree with each other?

4. What kind of weather do people think it’s going to be if they go out to play in a park in the rain?

5. Who is right more often about the weather?


1. They usually talk about the weather.

2.Yes, they do.

3. Because each of them is so sure of himself that only he knows about the weather.

4. They think it s going to be fine.

5. The weatherman is.

Step 8 Homework

1. Make up a new dialogue according to Exercise Three.

2. Write about the weather of four seasons in China.

3. Read the text fluently and try to recite it.

4. Review Checkpoint 11 and the whole unit.

5. Go over disjunctive questions.

Blackboard Handwriting

篇4:初二英语Unit 14(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 53

Teaching Objectives


Language Focus

What Who Which When Where How

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Revise the Simple Past Tense. Ask a student to perform an action and ask What did he do. Let the students to guess He made a cake. Repeat with other actions.

Ask what they did last Sunday.

Step 2 Ask and answer

Get the students to look at the pictures. Ask them to practise the pictures in the past tense

Ask several pairs to share their stories with the class.

Then ask the students to talk about what you did yesterday.

Get them to know the different expressing ways between the Present tense and the Past tense.

Then get them to practise in the same way. See if they can matter both of the two Tenses.

Step 3 Practise

Show the pictures to the students and ask them to retell the story using the 1st personal pronoun “I”.

You can get a better student to talk about the pictures.

And then choose one of them to ask questions with “wh”.

Step 4 Exercises in class

Rewrite the sentences as required:

1. She often watches TV on Sunday. ( last night)

2. Do you always go to school on foot? (yesterday)

3. Where are you? (two hours ago)

4. What time were he get up yesterday morning? ( tomorrow morning)

5. Why were they talking just now? (now)


1. She watched TV last night.

2. Did you go to school on foot yesterday?

3. Where were you two hours ago?

4. What time will he get up tomorrow morning?

5. Why are they talking now?

Step 5 Homework.

1.Write down what you did yesterday.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 53What time did Bob get up? How did he go to school yesterday? When did he have lunch? How long did he do his homework?

Lesson 54


1.使同学掌握本课表示频率的重点单词:Never, sometimes, usually, often, always, how often,和部分特殊疑问句。


教具:Picture and recorder


Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the dialogue.


A: What time did you get up yesterday?

B: I got up at six.

A: When did you go to school?

B: I went to school at ten past eight.

A: How did you go to school?

B: I went to school by bus.

A: What time did you get to school?

B: …

2. 复习一般过去时态和一般现在时.


Eat, get, go, swim, fly, slept, run, begin, catch, have.

Step 2 Presentation

1. 教师引入

This term will be over, we want to know something about you. Now, look at the survey, work in pairs and ask the following question.






Like watching TV Twenty nine students

Like eating fruit Ten students

Get to school late Only three students sometimes

Away from school Never

Often be ill None


Step 3 Writing



Tom was never away from school last year. He sometimes was ill. He always got to school early. He wet to bed before 9:30.

He watched TV quite often. Every day he did sport less than five hours. He ate a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Step 4 Summary


Step 5 Exercises in class


1. 他们经常访问英国。

2. 我们有时外出就餐。

3. 她晚上总是在家。

4. 我从来不能在家做事。

5. 我有时整个周末都在睡觉。


1. They often visit Britain.

2. We sometimes eat out.

3. She is always at home in the evening.

4. I can never work at home.

5. Sometimes I sleep all weekend./I sleep all weekend sometimes.

Fill in the blanks.

1. ____ ____ hours of sport do you do every week?

Three to six hours.

2. ____ ____ was he not at school last year?

Over two weeks.

3. ____ ____ were you ill last week?

About three days.

4. ____ ____ is your home from the school?

Only about a few kilometres.

5. ____ ____ did you watch TV?

Quite often.

6. ____ ____ bread is there on the plate?

Only a little.

Answers: 1.How many 2.How long 3.How long 4.How far 5.How often 6.How much

Step 6 Homework

Copy the new words and phrase.

(2) Do the exercise 1 in page 150 of your text book .

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 54How long…? Less/ More than a week. How often…? Never/ Always / Sometimes. How many…? Six hours or more.

Lesson 55

Teaching Objectives



Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Ask the students: If you need some more food, where can you buy them?

If you need some more clothes.

Where to buy, in the shop?

Student 1 is to be a buyer.

We call him “customer”.

Student 2 is to be a seller.

We call him “shop assistant”.

Suppose you were a customer you want something to buy. Helping the customer in making a decision

Step 2 Presentation

Get the students to know the word ‘buy’, past form ‘bought’. You can"t have it in the following sentence.

“I have bought it for half a day.”

You Should say “I have had it for half a day.”

Explain the word “more” not a comparative degree, but sth you get again.

It means there is still one.

The word “have” in the text means “eat”.

Step 3 Practise

Revise the names of different kinds of food by pictures or real objects. Remind the students of the difference between uncountable and countable nouns.

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask When are Ann and her mother going to buy more food?

Play the tape again while the students listen and repeat.

ave the students practise the dialogue in pairs, substituting the words in the boxes.

Ask several pairs to say the dialogue for the class.

Step 4 Practise

Say now Ann and her mother are shopping. Let’s see what they bought.

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Have the students to read the dialogue in pairs and substitute the words in the box.

Call out some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.

Step 5 Practise

Remember Ann’s birthday party. Here is a party. There are a lot of delicious food. What would you like?

Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs. And substitute the food in the box to make new dialogues as they like.

Then suppose It’s Ann’s birthday party. Get the students to act the dialogue, as in a real-life party situation.

Step 6 Exercises in class

Rewrite the drills without changing their meanings.

1. How delicious the food is!

____ ____ ____ it is!

2. We need two more grapes.

We need ____ ____ grapes.

3. What’s the price of the coat?

____ ____ ____ the coat?

4. We all enjoyed ourselves at the get - together.

We all ____ ____ ____ ____ at the get - together.

5. Don’t forget to bring some food.

____ to bring some food.

Answers: 1. What delicious food 2. another two 3. How much is 4. had lots of fun/had a great time 5. Remember

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Make the dialogue from Ex 3.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 55need to buy… Ten people are coming for dinner. need some more Help yourself to…have to What delicious food!

Lesson 56

Teaching Objectives




Language Points

everything anything nothing something work hard on … bring, take, carry, fetch

Teaching Aids

Letters, tape, flashcards.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to go over 26 English letters and 48 phonemes by flashcards.

Play the tape fort the students to listen and repeat.

Ask them to read spelling and pronunciation.

And then tell them how to pronounce the words

Step 2 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask When should someone begin their message?

Play the tape more times. Make sure the students understand the passage.

Finish the Wb Lesson 56, Ex.2. Then check the answer.

Step 3 Presentation

Get some letters to show the students. Help them practise writing letters.

Dear… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yours,……

Let students talk about their summer vacations

From: Susie. To: Jim

Step 4 Reading

Tell the students It will be the winter holiday soon. Get them to talk about what they are going to do during the holiday.

Explain the word during.

Ask the students to read the letter carefully. Then ask the questions:

What holiday will soon begin?

When is winter holiday this year?

What year will it be?

When will Xiaomei have her exams?

What will the students do during the get-together?

Play the tape for the students to listen and find out the answer.

Explain the meaning of Christmas, exam and play.

Tell the differences between ‘every’ and ‘each’.


Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Get them to practise the letter.

Step 5 Practise

Student E"s birthday is coming .You sent a birthday card to student E several days ago. You want to write a letter to ask him whether he has got it or not.

Step 6 Writing

Suppose you" ll write a letter to your best friend in Shanghai. Say sth. about your last Weekend. Tell your friend what you did at weekend (Went Camping).

You are sure they write letters easily. Get them to talk about the weather, you can have them based on the weather of that day, vacation, if the condition is OK. You play the video for the students to watch on. Thus, they can watch the real scenes on it. And for them it s easier to say.

Step 7 Practice

教师课前先准备好一段国际电台的世界天气预报,或是从China Dairy上剪下一段世界各城市的天气预报信息。

1.Revise the vocabulary of weather.

rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy, sunny

Teach the new word shower and showery.


Then ask several pairs to say their dialogue for the class.

Step 8 Poem

Play the tape for the students to listen. Get them imagine the scene of the poem.

Play the tape again and have the students repeat.

Get them to read the poem. Pay attention to the intonation.

Step 9 Exercises in class



How _______ everything ________? ________ ________.

2. 我们正在努力学习准备迎考。

We are _______ _______ _______ our exams.

3. 划船太有趣了,我等不及了。

Boating is _______. I _______ _______.

4. 我们每一个人都认为春节是一年中最快乐的日子。

_______ of us _______ Spring _______ is the _______ day of the year.


It’ll _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ this years.

Answers: 1. is, going, Very well 2. working hard on 3. interesting, can’t wait 4. Each, thinks, Festival, happiest 5. be the year of horse

Step 10 Homework

1. Write a dialogue about the weather report.(收看中央台的天气预报)

2. Recite the poem.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

Blackboard design

Lesson 56( Revision)during the Christmas holidaythe end of the termhave a longer holidaythe year of horsework hard on the examson the afternoon of January 19thput on playsI can’t wait

篇5:初二英语Unit 12(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 45

Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

1. Learning new words about the weather and talk about the weather.

2. Learn to use exclamatory sentences.

3. Teaching a new tense the simple future tense.

Ⅱ. Properties

Recorder, Overhead Projector, Computer

Ⅲ. Language FOCUS :The simple future tense and exclamatory sentences.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures



How cold it is today! But it’s warm in class. So I will put off my coat.


2.把cold, warm两词写在黑板上, 问学生:Did you listen to the weather forecast yesterday? 然后放一段当天的天气预报的英语录音,将录音中出现的形容天气的词写在黑板上并解释。

cloudy sunny rainy wet windy snowy




--What’s the weather like in Harbin today?



colder, warmer, drier, hotter, wetter



Ask the students to make sentences about the weather. Then let them do some exercises.

A: What’s the weather like?

B: 1. It’s wet and windy.

2. It s rainy and windy.

3. It’s sunny and hot.

4. It s very snowy, but quite warm.

5. It s very rainy, but quite hot.

6. It s very dry, but quite cold.




Remember the structures:

1. How + adj. + subject + verb!

2. What + adj. + noun(singular or plural) + subject + verb!

e.g. How cold it is today!

What a cold day (it is today)!


1. Look at the chart below and ask the students to make sentences using the simple future tense.

Notes: 1) Mark “√” refers to affirmative sentences.

Mark “×” refers to negative sentences.

Mark “?” refers to general questions and make answers to all these questions.

2) Add a future time to the end of each sentence if necessary, eg. tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next Sunday/year/month, later on, soon, …

2. Let the students do some translations.

1. 她是一位多么善良的女孩呀!

2. 这是一部多么有趣的电影呀!

3. 他们是多么有耐心的医生呀!

4. 这些书是多么新呀!

5. 今天天气是多么好呀!

Keys: 1. How kind the girl is! = What a kind girl she is!

2. How interesting the film is! = What an interesting film is!

3. How patient the doctors are! = What patient doctors they are!

4. How new these books are! = What new books they are!

5. How fine it is today! = What a fine day (it is today) !

3. Dialogue Practice

T: Look at Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and repeat after it.

Now let the students use the patterns to practise more.

At last, try to ask them to make some new sentences. For example:

1. A: How dry it is today!

B: Yes, but it’ll be wetter later on.

2.A: What a dry day!

B: Yes, and it’ll get drier, I’m afraid.

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks

A. Exclamatory sentences practice.

1. ______ nice ties they are!

2. ______ lovely weather it is!

3. ______ funny the joke is!

4. ______ a good idea this is!

5. ______ clever you are!

6. ______ terrible that is!

7. ______ handsome actors they are!

8. ______ wonderful it is!

B. The simple future tense practice.

1. I ______ the museum tomorrow, (not visit)

2. It ______soon. (rain)

3. ______ I ______ for Julia at the school gate tomorrow morning? (wait) Yes, you ______.

4. They______ care of the children next Sunday, (take)

5. ______ you ______ to university next year? (go)

No, I ______. Because I m not old enough.

6. Peter______ us the truth this evening, (not tell)

Keys: A: l. What 2.What 3.How 4.What 5.How 6.How 7.what 8.How

B: 1.won’t visit 2.will rain 3.Shall/wait/will 4.will take 5.Will/go/won’t 6.won’t tell


1. Remember the adjectives of weather and make a dialogue.

2. Make three exclamatory sentences and another three sentences using the simple future tense.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 45How cold it is today! What a cold day it is!



Lesson 46

Teaching Objection




Main Points

The expression of weather; noun of locality; the expression of direction;

Difficult Points

The simple future tense

Teaching Aids

Recorder, Overhead Projector, Video

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Revise the weather vocabulary by asking: What’s the weather like?

T: What"s the date today?

Ss: It"s December 28th.

T: What s the weather like?

Ss: It’s very rainy, windy and cold.

T: How cold it is today!

Ss: Yes, but it’ll be warmer later on.

T: What a cold day!

Ss: Yes, and it"ll get colder, we" re afraid.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Part 1 Read and act

T: Now listen to the tape and try to understand it. And answer the question: What’s the weather like where Bruce’s father is?

After Listening the tape, check the answer: It’s warm and sunny.

Answer the following questions according to the dialogue

1. Where is Bruce now?

2. What " s the weather like in Xinjiang?

3. What kinds of fruit does Bruce like very much?

4. What are his parents going to do?

5. Are they very happy to talk by telephone?

答案:1.Bruce is in Xinjiang, China.

2.It"s cold in the morning, but turns very warm at noon.

3. He likes the grapes and melons very much.

4. They are going to hike.

5. Yes, they are.

2. Ask students to talk about the weather in Xinjiang?

Show these words: strange, dry, fruit, grapes, melons

The weather is very strange in Xinjiang. It’s cold in the morning, but turns very warm at noon. It’s also very dry, so the fruit here is very sweet. There are grapes and melons in Xinjiang.

3. Language Points

1) ring up, get into communication with sb by telephone.

eg. I’ll ring you up this evening.

ring up = call up(us)

2) hike [haik] V. go for a long walk in the country, taken for pleasure or exercise.

eg. They are going to hike tomorrow.

-hiker n. person who hikes.

4. Learning the nouns of locating by Overhead Projector

This is north/east/south/west/northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast.(手指着各个方向分别教学方位名词)

Note the different way of saying northeast, southwest, etc. in Chinese.

T: What part of China do we live in?

Ss: We live in the north/south/…of China.(教师可帮助学生回答)

T: What cities are in the north/south/east/southwest/…?

5. A Weather Report

T: Every morning I listen to the weather report. I like to hear what the weather is going to be like all around the world. Listen to this report and see what you can hear.

Play the tape several times for the students to listen to the tape.

Question: What will the weather be like in Northwest?

Check the answer: It will snow in the night.

6. Language Points

Explain that will is another way of saying going to be. Will expresses the simple future as be going to does.

Explain the sentence There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River.

there will be

It’s the way of expressing the simple future of there be.

e.g. I will go to the park this weekend.

The phrase to the north of expresses beyond some area.

e.g. Japan is to the east of China.

Prep in express inside some area.

Step 3 Practice

Fill in the form according the weather report

Places Weather Temperature

Most North China

Cold wet /cloudy

1.A strong wind2.(after tomorrow)Sunny

Northeast Above zeroBelow zero

Snow (night)/heavy


Tianjin 2 ---9

Let the students look at the radio report and fill in the form..

Weather Report

Good evening. Let’s look at tomorrow"s weather. In England the temperature is going to be around 15℃, except in the north where it’s going to be cooler; around 12℃.The day’s going to be generally fine, with a lot of sunshine, especially in the south. Over Wales and northern England, it’ll be cloudy in the afternoon and by early evening it’s going to rain. But only a little. In Northern Ireland, it’s going to be generally colder with strong winds and temperatures around 10℃.The story for Scotland is quite different - in the east of Scotland, it’s going to be wet and windy with temperatures around 5℃.To the north and west, however; up in the Highlands, the temperature’s going to be much lower around 2℃ and it looks like it’s going to snow in the evening.

North of England-South of England-Wales-Northern Ireland-East of Scotland-North and west of Scotland-


North of England-cooler, around 12℃;

South of England - fine, with a lot of sunshine

Wales - cloudy in the afternoon, a little rain in the early evening

Northern Ireland - colder with strong winds, around 10℃

East of Scotland - wet and windy, around 5℃

North and west of Scotland - snow in the evening, around 2℃

Step 4 Exercise

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

1. Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.

It _______ _______ cold and wet _______ most of North and South China.

2. It"ll rain in Beijing.

Beijing will ______ ______.

3. The rain was heavy last night.

It ______ ______ last night.

4. The snow is heavy now.

There ______ ______ now.

5. What"s the weather like today?

______ ______ the weather today?

6. We played happily in the park last Sunday.

We ______ ______ ______ ______ in the park last Sunday.

7. Bruce rings up his father in Sydney.

Bruce ______ his father ______ ______ in Sydney.

Answers: 1. will be, in 2. be rainy 3. rained heavily 4. is heavy snow 5. How is 6. had a great time 7. gives, a ring

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the dialogue and the text fluently.

2. Make a radio report of the weather in winter.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 46A Weather Reporthave a cold day in the night at timesstay above zero Have a great timefall below zero It will be + adj.in the daytime There will be + n.



Lesson 47

Teaching Objectives:



Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projection

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the vocabulary of direction.(可利用学生互相的位置进行表达)

Revise how to express the weather

Step 2 Read and act

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Have students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

At last, let several pairs act it out.

Step 3 Read and learn

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Pay attention to the followings: play football, on our school playground, climb the mountain, have to do, stay home, do some reading. It’s better to do sth, on rainy days. I"m afraid… ,go roller-skating, would you like to do sth? play with sb, make a snowman.

Now encourage the students to make some different dialogues with the patterns given in students Book.

For Example:

Example 1

A: What a fine day today!

B: Yes, it’s sunny and not very hot. Will you go to Beihai Park with me?

A: Ok. Let s go and row a boat there.

B: That’s a good idea!

Example 2

A: Look! How heavy it rains!

B: Anna, you can"t take a walk outside today, I"m afraid. What will you do?

A: I have to stay home and do some cleaning.

B: Good. It s better to do some cleaning on rainy days.

Example 3

A: Wow! What a heavy snow! I"m afraid you can"t play football. Jack. What will you do?

B: I can go skiing. Would you like to go with me, Jim?

A: Certainly! Let’s carry our skiing-gears!

B: OK./Come on!

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape and ask What will the weather be like for Taiyuan?

Make sure the students get the answer. Then play the tape again and have the student write down the temperatures of the cities on Page 139.

Play the third time. Make sure the students finish the exercises. Then check the answer with the whole class.

Step 5 Exercises in class

Rewrite the following sentences.

1. He goes to school on foot every day. ( by bike tomorrow)

2. They don"t have a meeting every Friday, (next Friday)

3. Does Polly often help his friends? Yes, he does. (tomorrow)

4.I play basketball with my classmates every afternoon. ( tomorrow afternoon)

5. Do you keep a diary in English this year? ( next year) No, I don’t.


1. He will go to school by bike tomorrow.

2. They won’t have a meeting next Friday.

3. Will Polly help his friends tomorrow? Yes, he will.

4.I will play basketball with my classmates tomorrow afternoon.

5. Will you keep a diary in English next year? No, I won’t.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Make three different dialogues according to Exercise Two.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 47 I don’t like the snow/ rain/ cold. The snow will stop later in the day. What a heavy snow! It’s better to do some reading on rainy days.

Lesson 48

Teaching Objectives:



I think it will be …

I hope …

I don’t like the …

I love the …


学会写weather report and an e-mail。

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Write a short passage using the words given below

bad, last, not, long, think, get better, soon, radio, rain, stop, later on, so, go shopping, later.

Reference answer:

The weather is bad now. But it won’t last too long. I think it’ll get better soon. Because the radio says the rain will stop later on. So I"ll go shopping later.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Practise the individual sounds, the show flashcards with more words and get the students to pronounce the words.

Step 3 Practise

Revise the vocabulary of weather.

windy rainy sunny cloudy hot cold etc.

Teach the new word foggy by showing a picture.

Slides showing.


A: I think it will be windy/sunny/rainy/cloudy tomorrow.

B: I hope you " re wrong. I don " t like the wind/sun/rain/cloud.

I hope you " re right. I love the wind/sun/rain/cloud.


A: I think it will be cloudy/windy/sunny/hot/rainy/cold tomorrow.

B: No, it won"t! I think the weather will be much better/worse!

Read through the dialogue with the students.

Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs. Substitute the words in the box to practise the dialogue. Ask several pairs to practise the dialogue.

Step 4 Presentation

Language Points.

1. I hope (that) subject + verb

I hope you’ll get well soon.

2. I love + noun.

I love my family and my school, and I love my country, too.

3. much + comparative degree.

Mike is much taller than Jim.

Step 5 Look, read and say

课前一天教师可让学生观看中央电视台的天气预报,或是收听电台的天气预报,教学此部分时先让学生说说昨天预报的天气情况,尽量用英语表达。或是让学生当播音员把Lesson 46的weather report用自己的语言说一遍。

Ask the students to look at the table, then read it together.

Ask them to guess what season it is.

Have the students to write their weather report individually.

Then choose several students to read their weather reports for the class.

Step 6 Practice

Listen to another model.

Tokyo→rainy-→ 11→-3

Model: Good morning! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world. Tokyo is rainy. The high temperature will be 11. There"11 be plenty of rain in the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus three. Wear warm clothes at night when you go out….That"s the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.

(Ask the students to report that of the rest big cities-London, Ottawa, New York and Melbourne to their classmates. )

Step 7 Writing

T: Look at Exercise Four. Try to learn how to write an e-mail.

T: Read the e-mail form, and listen to a model.


Dear Miss West,

Welcome to our school! My name is Josie Zhou. I" m in Class One, Grade Two. You will come here next month, won’t you? Now let me tell you something about the weather here. The sky is usually blue in the daytime, the high temperature is about 6 and the low temperature is about minus 6. The weather here is really nice, isn"t it? But you"d better bring some warm clothes because it"ll get colder and colder. I" ll wait for your arrival and have a safe journey.

(Ask the students to discuss in class)

Step 8 Checkpoint 12

1. Grammar: the simple future tense and exclamatory sentences.

2. Useful expressions: later on, ring up. Happy New Year! The same to you.

eg. Merry Christmas! The same to you!


①Teachers: Happy Teachers " Day!

Teachers: The same to you.

②Students: Happy Teachers’ Day!

Teachers: Thank you.

Step 9 Exercises in class

Write a Weather Report according to the following form about 50 words.


时间 天气情况 温度(℃)

今天晚上 有雨,部分地区有大雨 2-9

明天上午 有云,风向偏东,风力不大 9-12

明天下午 晴天 12-16


Weather report of Shang hai for the next 24 hours. It will be rainy tonight. The lain will be very heavy in some places. The temperature will be 2 to 9. It will be cloudy tomorrow morning. There will be a wind to the east. It’s not strong. The temperature will be 9 to 12. After noon it will be sunny. The temperature will be 12 to 16.

Step 10 Homework

1. Write a weather report according to the model in Exercise Three.

2. Write an e-mail according to the pattern in Exercise Four.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises..

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 48 ch -ch - tch I think it will be … tomorrow. - ge j There’ll be beautiful sunshine. tr That’s the weather report for today. dr I hope … -ts-tes I don’t like the … -ds- des I love the …

篇6:Unit1 Teaching plan(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson One



1)Welcome back!

2) Let me call your names.

日常交际:May I …?

I’m sorry.

It doesn’t matter.




Step 1 Part 1 Read and say

Say “Welcome to school! Everybody!”

拿出事先准备好的写有全班姓名的白纸,教授a piece of paper 之一短语及其他部分生词。

Teacher: What’s this in English?

Students: It’s a piece of paper.

Teacher: I have all your names on this piece of paper. Now let me call your names.



Who is their English teacher?

Does he know the students’ names?


根据教材中的图片提问:What can you see in the picture?

Who is late? Why?

播放Part 1的视频,再让学生回答问题(见媒体素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 1)



Step 2 Part 2 Read and act

1)教师拿出准备好的卡片,说:Today is September 10th, Teachers’ Day.

这时学生会说:Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr./Miss …


2)放录音,问学生:What does Mr. Wu get? Who give him?


4)让学生仿照对话进行表演。可先欣赏这部分对话的场景视频。(见媒素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 2)

Step 3 Practise


Step 4 Exercise






Happy Teachers’ Day!

Thank you for teaching us so well.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your hard work.

Best wishes to you.

We wish you a happy Teachers’ Day.

Lesson 2

Teaching Objectives:



Language Focus:

think about/of, talk about, give a talk, That’s a good idea. Why don’t you …, the difference between…and…

English names (three names): a first name, a middle name and family name.

given name, full name, call me Jim, be short for

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector,视频素材

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise What’s your name? My name’s … etc.


Step 2 Presentation

Ask a student What’s your name? Teach full name and explain the meaning of call.

Giving an English name and a Chinese name, explain the difference between English names and Chinese names. 可以播放视频素材Difference between Chinese and English names .asf。

Step 3 Read and say

Play the tape for the students to listen, Ask What is Jim thinking about?

Explain give a talk and talk about,播放视频素材:关于give a talk短语的讲解 .asf,关于think about的讲解 .asf

Teach the phrase “think about” by gestures and some sentences. eg. Teacher frowns and thinks as well as saying “I’m thinking about the homework for today.”或播放视频:关于think about的讲解 .asf讲解think about

播放视频素材:关于why don"t表示建议的讲解 .asf,解释why don"t的用法。

Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Have them practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step 4 Reading

Say Jim is going to talk about English names. Ask How many names do English people usually have?

Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answer.

Explain the meaning of for short.

Discuss Chinese names: What do Chinese people call each other for short?

Explain how to call an English name:

People use Mr., Mrs., Ms or Miss with their last names.


Then Explain the different between Chinese names and English names.

Play the tape again, get the students to answer these questions:

1. How many names are there in a full name? What are they?

2. What’s the order of these names?

3. Which name is not often used?

4. What are the titles used together with names? How to use them?

Step 5 Exercises in class

Let them do the culture comparing exercise.

English name: James Allan Green

Chinese name: Zhang Cheng

In the English name, family name is 1 , it s also called 2 or 3 name. The given names are 4 5 . The name not very much used is 6 . it’s also called 7 name.

In the Chinese name family name is 8 , it s also called 9 or 10

name. The given name is 11 . It"s also called 12 name.

The answers: 1.Green 2.last 3.surname 4.James 5.Allan 6.Allan 7.middle 8.zhang 9.first 10.surname 11.cheng 12.last

Step 6 Homework

1. compare the difference between Chinese names and English names.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard:

Lesson 3

Teaching Objectives:



Language FOCUS:

a lot (of) , many, much the present progressive tense

Properties: Tape recorder, cards with English names

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Show the cards with English names for students to tell which is family name, given name, how to call them.

Ask the students What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?

Step 2 Practise

Showing the English names cards, Ask Is … (name) a boy’s name?

Get the students to talk about the names in pairs after a model.

A: Do you know if Mary is a girl’s name?

B: Yes, it is a girl’s name/I m not sure, etc.

Point out the full and short forms of names. Practise the other question froms and answers in the same way.

Then. let them practise in pairs.

Step 3 Presentation

Teacher: What’s your name, please?

Students: My name is Zhang Da Min.

T: Can I call you Da Min?

S: Yes. (Sure)

S: What’s your name, please?

T: My name is Elizabeth, you may call me Liz, that’s short for Elizabeth.

Step 4 Read and act

Play the tape for students to listen, and ask Where is Sun Huifang from?

Have the students read the dialogue.

Then get them to work in pairs and act out the dialogue in pairs, they may use their own names or make - up names.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Have the students look at the picture and ask and answer questions about the picture.

- What is the boy doing?

- Which boy?

- The boy standing by the window.

- Oh, he’s cleaning the window.

Call individual student to the front, and make an action for the students to guess.

-Are you dancing?

-Yes, I am./No, I am not. (I"m not)

Step 6 Exercises in class

Write out the questions

The boys are having a football lesson on the playground.

① Who - ?

② What - ?

③ Where - ?

Answers: ① Who is having a football lesson on the playground?

② What are the boys doing on the playground?

③ Where are the boys having a football lesson?

Step 7 Homework

1.Describe the picture in present progressive tense.

2.Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard

Lesson 4

Teaching Objectives:

Grasp the pronunciation of some letter clusters and understand the article.

Language Focus:

[ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:]ou, ow

make sb sth, - make sth for sb try to do sth not…any more ask sb to do sth What are you going to do?

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector, cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Review

1. Revise English names.

Give some names for them to say which is the family name and which is the given name. And how to use the titles Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms. Remind them that the titles can only be used with a family name.

2. Revise the Present Continuous Tense by showing a picture or miming an actions. Get the students to describe What he/she is doing?.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Practise these sounds individually before practicing the whole words.

Show the students a flashcard with more words and ask them to pronounce the word written on it.

Step 3 Listening:

Play the tape for the students to listen.

播放课件:课文听力,Ask them to do the WB Ex.3.

Step 4 Read and act

Teacher: What are you going to do on Saturday?

Student: I’m going to…

T: Can you make a card?

S: Yes, I can.

T: Will you please show us your card?

S: Sure!

T: Oh, it’s really a nice card.

Play the tape for the students to listen. Then get the students to read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

Explain Where are you going? I’m going to ….

Play the tape again, and ask the questions:

① What does Tom’s mum want him to do?

② Can he do it? why? or why not ?

③ What is the idea Mum thinking out for Tom?

④ Do you think it’s a good idea?

Then get the students to act the dialogue out in pairs.

Step 5 Writing

Have the students write a dialogue in pairs. Then have several pairs read their dialogues for the class.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask these questions:

Where is Phillip living?

How do people sometimes spell his name?

What name does Wang Jinging want to give Phillip?

Let the students read the text by themselves and answer the questions.

Then have the students work in small group to come up with a Chinese name for Philip.

Step 7 Checkpoint

Revise the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense.

Explain the difference between them.

Practise the useful expressions.

Step 8 Exercises in class

1. Read these word, pay attention to their pronounciation.

① bird ② part ③ grass ④how ⑤ trousers ⑥world ⑦ learning ⑧ clerk ⑨ birthday ⑩ blouse

2. To introduce Phillip in 40 words.

Step 9 Homework

1.Make an English name for yourself and make a name card to be placed on the desk.

2. Finish off the workbook

4. Go through the checkpoint.

The design of blackboard

Lesson Four, the fourth lesson [ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:] Where are you going? I’m going to … Where is Phillip living? How do people sometimes spell his name? What name does Wang Jingjing want to give Phillip?

篇7:Book2A Unit13 Lesson49(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

School: Jiangdu No.1 Middle School

Teacher: Tong Zhigang

Time: 8:35----9:20

Materials: Junior English for China, Students" Book2A Unit13 Lesson49

Objectives: Make the students learn

(1) the new words: born, question, February, did, move, because, enjoy

(2) the Past Indefinite Tense

Teaching Aids: Projector, tape-player, tape of text

Procedure and Time Arrangement

Step1 Revision (5")

(1) Ask Ss some questions to revise the food vocabulary.(2")

a. Did you have porridge for breakfast this morning?

b. What did you have for lunch yesterday?

c. What did she have for supper yesterday? Etc.

(2) Ask Ss some questions with the word “how” one by one. (3")

a. How old are you?

b. How many lights are there in our classroom?

c. How far is your home from school?

d. How is your mother?

e. How much is your coat?

f. How long did you watch TV yesterday?

g. How often do you go to the cinema? Etc.

Step2 Presentation (25")

(1)Ask the student on duty to tell something about himself/herself, including his/her birthday and all places where he/she has lived. According to what the student says, teach new words.(5")

T: His birthday is July8. He is 14. We can say“ he was born on July8, 1987.”(Ss repeat)

T: He is from Taizhou.“ He was born in Taizhou.”(Ss repeat)

Teach the new word: born (Then let the Ss make sentences.)

be born on + 某天

be born in + 某地/某年/某月

Then ask the student on duty:

a: Why did you come to Jiangdu in 1992?

b: How do you like the city?

Teach the words: why, because and enjoy (Then let the Ss make sentences.)



enjoy (=like)

enjoy sth /enjoy doing sth.

(2) Show a picture of Jim and the map in the text. Tell something about Jim. (Point to the map.) (5")

This is Jim. He was born in England. He lived there for about 5 years. Then he moved to France. He moved there because his father found work in Paris. Then he came to China because his father wanted to work here. Now he is enjoying living here.

Teach the new words: move, found (Then let the Ss make sentences.)

move to + 地点

move here/there

find---found go---went come---came move---moved etc.

Then read all the new words on the Bb.(Ss repeat)

(3) Part1 Speech Cassette Lesson49. Ask the students :( 6’)

a. When was Jim born?

b. When did he come to China?

Play the tape for the students to find the answers.(1987,1992)

(Books Open) Play the tape again. Ss listen and repeat.

(4) Wb Lesson49 Ex1. Answer “Right” or ”Wrong\". Then correct the wrong sentences.(4")

(5) Give a time line about the dialogue in Part1.(5")

5 years 2 years

February 18, 1987 1992

Was born moved to France came to China now

In England father found work wanted to work enjoy living

in Paris in China here

According to the time line, ask the Ss the questions in Part2 one by one. Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Step3 Reinforcement (14")

(1)Let the students practise reading and acting out the whole dialogue in SB Lesson49. Part1. (4")

(2)Make up similar dialogues. Give two situations.(6")

Situation1: 户籍登记

T: If you"re in a police station, a policeman will help you fill in a form, he"ll ask you some questions.


T: If you want to find a job in a factory. You can introduce yourself to the boss. Ask the Ss to act out their dialogues in pairs, and then come to the front.

(3) Ask the students to fill in a dialogue and change some sentences. Check their answers. (4")


A: Hi! May I ask some questions?

B: Certainly.

A: When were you born?

B: I was born on May18, 1980.

A: Where were you born?

B: I was born in a town near Hang Zhou.

A: How long did you live there?

B: We lived there for about eight years. Then we moved there.

A: Why did you come here?

B: Because my father must come to work in a factory here.


1. Lucy was born in August, 1982.

When was Lucy born?

2. He went to America because he wanted to study there.

Why did he go to America?

3. They lived there for three months.

How long did they live there?

4. Tom was born in New York.

Where was Tom born?

5. Kate had five pens in her hand.

How many pens did Kate have in her hand?

Step4. Homework (1")

a. Write a passage about Jim.

b. Finish off Exx3 and 4 in the workbook.

篇8:Teaching plan of Unit5 SectionA(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Section A


consequence, jeans, let in, organize, bike, you’ll= you will


1. I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

2. When is a good time to have the party?

3. I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

4. I’m going to the school party.


1.If 引导的条件状语从句;


3.句型I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

---Are you going to the party?

---Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.


1. 学会讨论在某些条件下可能会产生的影响。即If you do, you’ll …等;

2. 注意条件状语从句中主句的从句的时态;

3. 了解参加晚会的一些基本常识;

4. 根据上下文培养理解能力和基本的逻辑思维能力。


I 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Point out the four pictures and ask students to tell what they see..

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first picture.

(教师)4. Say, Now read the statements and responses in the box. Match the statements with the responses you think make sense.

(教师)5. Answer any questions students may have about vocabulary.

(学生)6. Students match the statements and responses.


(教师)1.Say, You will hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four sentences..

(教师)2. Play the recording. Say, Check your answers to activity 1a.

(教师)3.Talk about the answers together.


1. d 2.a 3.b 4.c


A: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.

B: If you do, the teachers won’t let you in.

A: I think I’m going to stay at home.

C: If you do, you’ll be sorry.

A: I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.

B: If you do, you’ll be late.

D: I think I’m going to go to the dance with Karen and Ann.

C: If you do, you’ll have a great time.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You will work with your partner. Make a conversation using the things that are happening in the picture.

(教师)3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

II 放完第二段视频后,

① 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1.Read the instructions with the students.

(教师)2 Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

(答案)a. 3 b. 1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5


Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?

Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?

Andrea: Let’s have it today after class.

Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark: Hmm…There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests. Let’s have it on the weekend.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

Mark: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.

Andrea: Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?

Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Play the recording again.

(学生)3. Students complete the task.

(教师)4. Check the answers.


Half the class won’t come.

Students will leave early to study for their tests.

Some students will be bored.

Mark is going to organize the party games.

Andrea is going to make some food.


(教师)1.Draw attention to the sample dialogue.

(学生)2. Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

② 全班讨论

Ask students to work in small groups. Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the Grammar Focus as they can. See which group can think of the most sentences. Count how many each group has. Have the groups read their sentences to the class. Write original sentences on the board and discuss the sentences with the class.

III 放完第三段视频后,

请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动(教师)1. Read the instructions. Point out the notice from the principal. Then point to the dialogue. Say, First read the notice from the principal. It is about a school party. Then fill in the blanks in the dialogue.

(教师)2.Ask different students to read one line each of the dialogue to the class..

(教师)3.Read the dialogue to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

(教师)4. Then say, Now read the notice again and fill in the blanks.

(教师)5. As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.


1. the school party

2. I’m going to

3. The teachers won’t let you in.

3b(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Point out the words in the box. Say, You will be using the words in this box and the notice from the principal to make conversations.

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the example in sample dialogue in activity 3b. Say, In your conversations, tell what will happen if the student does what he or she is planning to do. Ask students to give some possible ways to complete the last sentence in the example.

(教师)4. Say, Now have a conversation abut the rules with your partner.

(教师)5. Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue..

(教师)3. Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events. Pick a topic of current interest in the news.

(教师)4. Ask students to complete the work in pairs.

.(教师)5. Ask a few students to share sample conversations.


篇9:Teaching plan of Unit4 SectionA(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Section A


surprise, skill, message, suppose, graduate, volunteer, experience, knowledge, border

report, pass, suppose, send, love, copy, aid, complete, gain

simple, thin, average, nervous, disappointing, true, lucky, mad, hard-working, lazy


1. He said he was mad.

2. She told me she would call me tomorrow.

3. He said he could speak three languages.

4. He said he was having a party for Lana.



2.掌握情态动词can 表示“能力”的用法‘



1. 学会将直接引语转换为间接引语;

2. 学会用间接引语转述他人的话;

3. 各种时态要分清楚;

4. 形容词的用法。


I 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1. Points to the TV screens in the picture and have students read the words in those TV screens.

(教师)2. Point to the four questions in the box and red the questions to the class again. Then help students form small groups. Say, Now answer these questions and talk about some soap operas.

(教师)3. After five minutes, talk about the questions with the whole class. Ask students from different groups to tell what they talked about in their group. Focus on the ideas the students are talking about. But sometimes when a student starts to tell what another student said, you can help that student make a sentence such as: Anna said she didn’t watch soap operas. Bill said people get mad on soap operas.


(教师)1. Point to the TV screens in activity 1a one by one. Ask different students to look at each picture and tell what is happening.

(教师)2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

(教师)3. Play the tape a second time. This time say, Now, write the numbers 1 through 4 in front of the pictures. Put a number 1 in front of the picture you hear first on the recording, and so forth.

(答案)The TV screens should be numbered in this order:

1 3 4 2


Girl 1: What did Marcia say?

Girl 2: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.

Girl 1: What did Marcia say?

Girl 2: She said Lana thought she was coming to her house to study.

Girl 1: What did Lana say?

Girl 2: She said she was mad at Marcia.

Girl 1: What did Lana say?

Girl 2: She said she wasn’t going to Marcia’s house on Friday night.


(教师)1. Read the instructions. Say, You will be talking with your partner as you do this activity.

(教师)2. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue. Then say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions abut each picture in activity 1a.

(教师)3. As students talk, move around the room offering help as needed.

(教师)4.Ask several pairs of students to say a question and answer to the class.

II 放完第二段视频后,

① 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1. Point to the five sentences and ask different students to read the sentences to the class.

(教师)2.Point to and read the instructions to the class. Say, You will hear a conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on TV. Circle true or false after each statement.

(教师)3. Point out the sample answer. Say, This is statement tells what Ben said on the soap opera. The statement is true.

(教师)4. Play the recording .

(答案)5 4 1 3 2.


A: Did you see “Young Lives” last night?

B: No, what happened?

A: Well, Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.

B: Really? What did Lana say?

A: Well, Lana was very excited. Lana told Ben that she would go to Marcia’s hose on Friday night after all.

B: Oh. Then what?

A: Marcia called everyone and told them she wasn’t going to have the party.

B: Oh, no!

A: Yeah, then Lana called Marcia and told her that she could bring some drinks and snacks to her house on Friday night.

B: Oh, wow…and what did Marcia say?

A: She told Lana she would be glad…


(教师)1. Read the instructions. Say, This time you are going to circle the actual words people in the soap opera said. Point to the sentence after number 1 and read it to the class. Then point to the speech bubble in picture 1 and say, These are the words the actor in the soap opera said. Point to the sample answer. Say, Circle the correct word here..

(教师)2. Play the recording.

(答案)1. is 2. am 3. will 4. am 5. will


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Point out the pictures in activity 2b. Say, Use these words and pictures as you have your conversations.

(教师)3.Then have students work in pairs.

(教师)4.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to do one question and answer each..

② 全班讨论

Ask students to act out the situation shown in the pictures. Three students pretend to be Ben, Marcia, and Lana. Draw a large TV screen on the board and have these three students sit in front of it. Two other students pretend to be the two girls watching the soap opera on TV. They can sit on the floor. Ask the soap opera characters to read a line from activity 2b. Then have one of the girls report what that actor said. Repeat for all five pictures in activity 2b.

III 放完第三段视频后,

请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Read the article to the class, saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

(教师)3. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.


1. was

2. thought

3. told

4. was

5. wasn’t

6. going

7. wasn’t

8. would

9. told

10. wasn’t

3b(教师)1. Read the instructions. Say, You can write anything you want. What do you think Ben and Lana and Marcia will do next?

(教师)2. Ask some students to read their episodes to the class..


(教师)1. Read the instructions. Students work in groups of four students.

(教师)2.Ask the students to complete the role pays on their own.

(教师)3. Ask a few students to show their role plays to the class.


篇10:Unit 4 Teaching Plan (新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 13

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the comparative and superlatives of adverbs.

2. the comparative forms of long adjectives.

Language Focus:

fast - faster - the fastest well - better - the best interesting - more interesting get home have to kinds of feed, to give food to

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector, flash动画

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise be going to.

Ask individual students to open the door, close the window and do other classroom duties. As they stand up to obey, ask What are you going to do? Then ask the class What is he/she going to do?

Step 2 Presentation

Showing the picture of a farm by the overhead projector.

Ask What is this? What can you see on the farm? What kind of work is there on the farm?

Let the students to talk about the farm.


Step 3 Read and act

Get the students to look at the picture on page 16 and describe it.

Teach the new words about the animals on the farm.

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

Explain the language points:

have to, the plural form of sheep.

Explain the comparative of long adjectives. Give more examples, “My coat is beautiful. Her coat is more beautiful than mine.”

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat.

Have them work in pairs to practise the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.

Step 4 Presentation

Call three students to the front and say, “Mary works hard. Lisa works harder than Mary. Lucy works harder than Lisa. Lucy works hardest of the three.”

Say another group of sentences and get the students to repeat, “Linda gets up early. Kate gets up earlier than Linda. Green gets up earliest of all.”

Step 5 Read and learn

Showing the students the picture of Part 2. Let them to describe the pictures with the comparative and superlatives of adverbs

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat and check their answer.

Step 6 Exercise

Complete the sentences.

1. 我母亲的工作是照看孩子们。

My ______ ______ is ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. 你在家得做些什么?

What ______ you ______ to ______ at ______?

3. 让我帮助你喂鸡。

______ me ______ you ______ the chickens.

4. 吉姆在他们班上每天早晨到校最迟。

Mike ______ ______ school ______ ______ in their class every morning.


1.mother’s job, to look after children 2.do, have, do, home 3.Let, help, feed 4.gets to, the latest

Step 7 Homework

1. Make a group of sentences to compare things.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 13wait sheephave to tractorfeed the animals slowmore interesting slower



Lesson 14

1. 教学目标;

(1)使学生掌握本课重点词组和单词:agree with, in winter, in summer, hear doing, play with.


Which do you like better, A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best, A, B or C? I like A best.


2.教具:Recorder and pictures.


Step 1 Revision

(1)写出下列单词的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式:High ,bright, interesting, good, beautiful, delicious, fast.


What kind of sport is it?

Which one is riding faster?

Which one is riding the fastest?

出示图片二:Who is taller? Who is the tallest in the three?

Which one is running faster?

Which one is running the fastest?

Is the second sport man running quickly?

Who is younger? Who is the youngest?

Which sports do you like better, the cycling or the running?


Where do Ji Wei and Jone live?

What kind of animals are on Ji Wei’s farm?

What kind of work does he do then?

Step 2 Leading - in

Show students pictures of farms in China and America. They talk about the pictures first, then talk about the questions given in pre - reading in small groups. Teacher calls one group to do it as a model.

Step 3 Presentation

Part 1 Pre –read

(1)Show students a picture of a crowded city to teach the word “city” and a picture of countryside to teach “the country”. Draw a tractor on the blackboard and teach the word “tractor”. Ask them where people use that. Help them to say “in the country” or “in the field” or “on the farm”. Imitate the sound and teach the word “bleat”. Use a picture to teach “lake” and ask them what people can do in a lake, help them to answer “in summer, we can swim, or go fishing; in winter, We can skate on the ice.”



Part 2 Read

(1)Students read the article silently and answer questions

1. What’s the difference between Ji Wei’s farm and John’s farm?

2. Which play does Ji Wei like better, the city or the country? Why?

3. How about John?

4. Who is Cody? Say sth about Cody.


agree with, hear sb doing sth …


Chinese farm American farm

Small, grow more rice than American Big, grow more corn than Chinese, have more tractors and machines, have more animals

Step 4 Practice


Which do you like better A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best A,B,or C ? I like A best 。



(2)Write the topic “The city or the country” on the blackboard for the students to discuss in pairs. (They may read the dialogue in the book as a model) Encourage students to use dictionaries to help them add new reasons. Point out “lots of” means “ a lot of, many.”


Step 5 Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks.

I have a good friend who lives ① the farm.

He has many ② there, dogs, pigs, cows, etc. He uses a ③ to do the farm work , because it works faster and better. He don’t have to ④ the animals because they can find food themselves. He thinks the country is ⑤ (beautiful) than the city. He can hear the birds ⑥ and sheep ⑦ . And he often play ⑧ his dogs.

2. Compare the two farms, and two boys.

Ji Wei’s parents grow ① and ② , John’s parents grow ③ and ④ . Ji Wei likes to sit and looks at the ⑤ and ⑥ . John likes to sit and listens to ⑦ . John’s farm has a ⑧ where he often goes ⑨ in summer and ⑩ in winter.

Answers: 1. ①on ② animals ③ tractor ④feed ⑤ more beautiful ⑥) singing ⑦ bleating ⑧ with

2. ① rice ② wheat ③ corn ④ wheat ⑤blue sky ⑥ the green hills ⑦ the animals ⑧ lake ⑨ fishing ⑩skating

Step 6 Homework



(3)To write out the article “The city or the country.”

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 14Li Wei’s farm John’s farm

use a tractor Use animals

like to sit and look at… Go fishing…



Lesson 15

Teaching Objectives:


Language FOCUS:

help sb with sth like doing sth.

Eating too much is bad for you

Properties: Overhead projector, recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. To talk about the country life.

2. Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives like interesting, beautiful, etc.

Step 2 Compare

Showing the students the pictures to compare. Saying:

The car goes faster than the bike.

The train goes faster than the car.

The plane goes faster than the train.

So the plane goes fastest of all.

Ask Who works carefully in class? Help the students to answer Jim works carefully. Ask Who works more carefully than Jim? Help the students to answer Kate works more carefully than Jim. Ask Who works the most careful of all? Help the students answer Lucy works the most carefully of all.

Write the model on the blackboard

The car runs faster than the bike.

The train runs faster than the car.

The plane runs the fastest of all

Get some pairs to present their sentences.

Step 3 Practise

Students talk about the farm work they can do, write the jobs on the board “feed the animal, pick corn (wheat, etc), grow corn (wheat, etc)” Then they talk about who can do the most work, use the dialogue in the book as a model.

Give more phrases for them to use “have books” “get home early” “eat much” “run fast” “have a good time”, etc.

Step 4 Read and complete

Students do the exercise themselves and then check the answers

(The answers: older, exciting, beautiful, quickly, better, faster, longer, interesting)

Then explain some words and phrases, point out the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs ending with “ly” are “more + adverbs” and “most + adverbs”.

Step 5 Exercise in class

Complete the sentences

1. 公共汽车和轿车,哪个开得快?轿车。

Which goes__________ ______, the car or the bus? The car_______.

2. 所有人当中,我摘的玉米最多。

I can pick ________ ________ corns of ______.

3. 她喜欢住在乡下。

She likes ______ ______ the country.

4. 迈克经常读书到深夜。

Mike often reads ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. 我认为住在城市比城镇有趣得多。

I think ______ in the city is ______ ______ ______ than in the town.

6. 她经常帮她阿姨干农活。

She often ______ her aunt ______ the farm work.

Answers: 1.more quickly, does 2.the most, all 3.living in 4.until late at night 5.living, much more interesting 6.helps, with/do

Step 6 Homework

1. Preview new lessons.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 15 more the quickest the earliest The car runs faster than the bike. The train runs faster than the car. The plane runs the fastest of all



Lesson 16

Teaching Objectives:


掌握元音/u: / /u//uE/的发音。

Language FOCUS:

/u: / u, oo /u/ u, oo, oul /uE/ ure, ua,

What are you going to do after you leave school?

Properties: Tape recorder, pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the comparison of adverbs.

My mother usually gets up earlier than my father.

My father gets up earlier than I.

So my mother gets up the earliest of all.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for students to listen and repeat, then ask students to practise the pronunciations of these words.

Use flashcards to give more words. Get them to practise the words.

Step 3 Rhyme

Play the tape for students to repeat and recite.

Read the chant together as a class.

Then divide the class into two groups to practise the chant.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. First make sure the students understand the meaning of the passage.

Then play the tape again and answer the questions.

Step 5 Word puzzle

First explain the word haystack means a large pile of hay firmly packed for storing.

Then students find out the words in pairs.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is John going to do after he leaves school?

Students read the text silently and ask them for the main idea of the passage.

Play the tape again and answer the following questions.

1. Where are Ji Wei and John now?

2. What are they talking about?

3. Where did they do just now?

4. What is John going to do after school? After college?

5. What does he want to learn at college?

6. Who is following them?

Explain some difficult point “college, school for higher education”, “each, every” nobody, not anybody, not anyone .

Step 7 Writing

Showing the students the picture of Aunt Peggy’s farm. Get them to look at the picture carefully. First have them talk about the picture. Then have them write one paragraph about the picture individually.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Revise the adjectival and adverbial comparatives and superlatives.

Read the useful expressions.

Step 9 Exercise in class

Complete the words, using the proper words.

Different people have different ideas.

O______ people like life in the country, but y______ people don’t. They think life in the country isn"t i ______. They like to go to the c______, have dinner in the r______ and s______ and dance with their friends.

My uncle and my a______ aren"t f ______, but they live in the country. They grow f______ and vegetables for f ______. Every morning they will walk r ______ the fields. They can hear b ______ singing and sheep bleating. They often say, “Life in the country is much b______ now.”

Answers: Old, young, interesting, cinema, restaurant, sing, aunt, farmers, fun, round, birds, better.

Step 10 Homework

1. To write out the description of the picture.

2. Write one passage about the city or the farm you live.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 16 What is John going to do after he leaves school?(Go to college.)

篇11:Unit 5 I"m watching TV period2(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

The Second Period

初一 张巧玲

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, talking on the phone

Target language: What’s Steve doing? ---He’s watching TV.

Does he want to go to the movies? ---Yes, he does.

Is Nancy doing homework? ---No, she isn’t.

2. Ability Objects

Train students’ listening and speaking skills.

Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Objects

Be good at watching something and love our lives.

Teach students how to cooperate.

II. Teaching Key Points

Master the key vocabulary.

The present progressive tense.

III. Teaching Difficult Point

Oral practice using the target language.

Make a conversation.

IV. Teaching Methods

Task-based teaching method.

Illuminating teaching method.


V. Teaching Aids

A projector.

A tape recorder.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step1 Warm-up

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. At the beginning of our class, let’s learn an English song “ Are you sleeping”. Please look at the screen and sing after the song. (Play the flash twice and let students sing aloud)

Step2 Revision

1. T: Now, let’s do some speaking. I’ll ask one of you to come to the front and act out some activities, and others guess what she is doing, understand? Amy, come here, please. (Ask the student to pretend to eat, read a book, clean the blackboard…Guide the student to practice some activities, then ask the class to ask and answer.)

2. Show some pictures of activities on the screen, let Ss practice the sentence structure.

T: Now, class, look at the screen please. What is he doing?

S: He is reading a book.

T: This picture, Lifeng, you two, please. (Ask pairs of students to practice the target language.)

Step3 Pairwork 2c

1. Ask Ss to read the sample conversation. Let Ss look at the first group of pictures, and ask them to guess what the people are doing.

T: Look at this picture, please. This is Nancy. She is sitting at the desk. Do you know what she is doing? Is she dancing eating? Can you guess?

S: No, she isn’t. She is writing a letter.(show the pictures) Now, please open your books, turn to page 26. Look at Activity 2c. There are three pairs of pictures left, right? Match the pictures first. Then imitate the sample conversation, work in pairs. Students A look at the first row, and guess what the people are doing. Students B look at the second row and answer the questions. For example, A: Is Mary writing? B looks at the picture and answers yes or no. Understand? OK, let’s begin…

2. After that, ask three pairs to present to the class.

3. Show Ss another two pictures, ask Ss to guess what they are doing, and answer the question.

Step 4 Listening 2a & 2b

1. T: So much for speaking. Do you want to do some listening? Look at this picture, please. What are they doing? ( S: They’re talking on the phone.) Peter, read the two questions, please…Good, thank you. Now, I’ll play a recording. Please listen and write your answers on your books. (Play the recording and ask Ss to fill in the answers, then show the answers on the screen.)

2. Ask Ss to listen to the conversation again and put the sentences in the correct order. Read the conversation together.

T: Look at the sentences in the box, they are in the wrong order. Let’s listen to the conversation again and put the sentences in order……Read the conversation together.

3. T: You did a good job. Let’s do another listening exercise. Listen to the passage and fill in the form. (Show the form on the screen.)

Step5 3a

1. T: Look at Activity 3a. There are two conversations below. (Ask two students to read the conversations.) Look at the three pictures. Picture1, what is the boy doing? (He is reading.) Picture2, 3…Now, please match the conversations with the pictures, and one picture has no conversation. Which picture is matched to Conversation A? (Check the answers.) Class, let’s read the conversations together. Conversation A. begin…

2. Ask Ss to look at Picture 1, work in pairs and make a conversation.

T: OK. You read very well. Now look at picture1 in 3a. pretend you are the people in this picture. Imitate Conversation A and B, make a conversation with your partner. Work in pairs. (As they work, move around the classroom offering help and answering questions as needed.)

3. T: Now, please make a conversation by your own. Then I’ll ask some pairs to come to the front and present to the class. (4 pairs)

Step6 Exercise

1. Competition --- Add –ing to the verbs.

T: Do you know how many patterns to add –ing? (Three. Give examples) let’s have a competition. You’re divided into four groups. Every group choose one to come to the Bb.(When they finish, check and give scores.)

2. T: You know, the present progressive tense is different from the simple present tense. Can you tell me when we use this tense? (Now, look, listen…)Give some examples.

3. Put these Chinese sentences into English.

Step7 Summary

Ask some Ss to summary what we learned today. At last, ask Ss to watch a video.

Step8 Homework

1. Workbook Unit5

2. Recite the conversation

3. Preview SectionB


Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about art and literature;

b. Learn to make decisions and give opinions

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause

Lesson 1

Main points


exhibition; give opinions; show; local

2.Functional items

Making decisions and give opinions

Diffcult points

give opinions

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Do you like painting? Do you know anything about painting?

Ss talk about painting.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Look at the following paintings and match them with the correct painters.

2.Check answers and talk about the pictures and painters.

3.Ask students to discuss the first two questions in pairs.

4.Several pairs report answers.

Step 3 Listening

1.Make sure the students know what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary. Pause at important points and give the students help.

3.Check the answers.

Step 4 Speaking

1.Choose one situation and read the instructions.

2.Read the useful expressions for making decisions &giving opinions.

3.Ss work in pairs to make a dialogue.

4.Several pairs act out.

Step 5 Language points

1. opinion n.

in one"s opinion

Ep: In my opinion, he has done a very good job.

give/express one"s opinion on/upon

Ep: He has given his opinion on this problem.

2. local adj.

the local doctor

locl customs

locl government


Practise giving opinions and making decisions.

Lesson 2

Main points


magic; power; wonder; a series of; treat; in trouble; come across; believe in; habit; welcome; enough; be afraid of; tell &say

2.Sentence patterns


Difficult points

be afraid of doing &be afraid to do

speak, tell &say

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2. Pre-reading

1.Q: Have you read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the films?

A: Any possible answers.

2.Harry Potter has magical powers .Do you know any other heroes who have strange powers?

A: Any possible answers.

Step 3. Reading

T: I think you are all interested in stories about magic. Then we"ll read a passage about a boy with magic--Harry Potter. Read the text and find answers to the questions.

1.Q:What"s Harry"s life like before he goes to Hogwarts?

A:Unhappy.They treated him badly.

2.Q:What is taught in Hogwarts?

A:Witchcraft and wizardy.

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answers the following questions.

1.Q:Why is Harry"s life miserable before he goes to Hogwarts?

A:His parents are dead and the family he is living with treats him badly.

2.Q:What does Harry learn about himself at Hogwarts?

A:Harry learns that he needs to be strong/he needs friends/it is difficult to do the right thing/life is more complicated than he thought/...

Then finish Ex 2 on P81 and check answers.

Step 5 Language points



The music is really magic.


Some people still believe in magic.

the magic of great poetry

2.be afraid to do/be afraid of doing

I"m afraid to tell her.

He was afraid of falling into the river.


It"s as cold as ice.

He drove as fast as he could.

Step 6 Listening to the tape


Recite the text and language points.

Lesson 3

Main points


one after another; go hiking

Difficult points


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework.

2.Ask several students to say something. about music.

Step 2 Grammar

The Non-Restrictive Attibutive Clause

1.Revise the rules.

2.Give the Ss several minutes to do the exercises in pairs orally.

3.Check the answers.

Step 3 Do Ex on P153


Review the grammar.

Lesson 4

Main points


shoulder; whisper; turn around; stupid; compare; announcement; noise,sound&voice; work; open up; each other

2.Sentence patterns

It sounds like...


It looked as if...

...not all of them are safe

If only they could find a way to...

He was just about to say something when...

She didn"t have time to finish before the wall...

Difficult points

If only...

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Review the grammar.

2.Make sentence with the following words and expressions:

exhibition; wonder; a series of

Step 2 Presentation

In this period we"ll read a passage about Harry Porter again.

1.T helps the Ss understand the passage and what to do.

2.Ss write the ending.

3.Several students read their endings and let the Ss choose which is the best.

Step 3 Language points

1.noise, voice &sound

noise: loud and unpleasant sound

Another kind of pollution is noise.

voice: the sound made through the mouth, esp. of human beings ,in speaking or singing.

He shouted at the top of his voice.

sound: the sound of music

2. if only...

If only I had more money, I could buy some new clothes.

If only she would listen to me!

3. turn around=turn round

He turned around to find a policeman following him.

Step 4 Listening


Revise all the words and expressions in this unit.

篇13:unit 2SectionA 2a-2c 教案教学设计(新课标版英语八年级)

Subject SectionA 2a-2c Designer

Topic Health Checker Hou Kewu

The date of ready class /09/6

Teaching Aids Vocabulary cards Tape recorder

Teaching Aims Knowledge and

skills Talk about health .

Give advice


and methods Do pair work, role play

Practice listening and speaking.

Emotion, attitudes and value Help students form polite habits.

Keep healthy lifestyle.

Difficulties and Focus Express unfit statement.

Make a suggestion.

Master the target structure.

Teaching and studying

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Remarks


Ask Ss to touch the part of body which teacher told Ss.

Ⅱ. Review

Point one student come to the Bb and act out an illness and ask others to make conversations.

III. Presentation.

(2a) 1. Read each item to the class, ask students to repeat each one.

2. play the recording the first time. Say, the first has been done for you, the boy has a toothache and the advice is to see a dentist.

3. Play the recording a second time. This time students draw lines to mach the problems and the advice.

4. Check the answers.

(2b) 1.This time listen for the missing words on the black lines.

Touch the part which teacher told.

Pair work

Listen and match

Listen and write

Listen and write

2. Play the recording one time only.

3. Check the answers

4. Ask students to do pair work to act the conversations.

(2c) 1. Point out the sample conversation in the box. Have two students read the dialogue to the class.

2. Say, now practice the conversation in activity 2b. take turns having the problems and giving advice

3. as students work, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering assistance as needed.

4. ask a few pairs of students present their conversations to the class.

(Grammar Focus)

1.have(has) a +疾病名词:患…病。不能用进行时 have a headache, have a sore back., have a cough, have a cold, have a fever

2.ache, sore:均可用来表示身体某部位的疼痛。Ache为名词,放在表示身体某部位的名词后,构成一个合成词:headache, toothache, heartache, stomachache;sore 为形容词,放在名词前,构成名词短语。Sore back, sore throat,

3.情态动词:should应该+动原 shouldn’t+动原


Make more conversations to use target language. pair work

Check answers

Read and listen

pair work

Ex. in class:


1 喝大量水 2 热茶 3 太糟糕 4好主意 5 怎么了

6.躺下休息 7 看牙医 8 两星期前 9 带蜂蜜的水

The design of the

blackboard Unit2 What’s the matter?(II)

What’s the matter? I have a headache.

I have a headache. You should go to bed early.

Maybe you should see a doctor. Shouldn’t=should not

That’s a good idea.


Lesson 57

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework the students did during the winter vacation .

2 Have the students talk about their holidays using the language they know. Have them especially talk about the food they ate, even though there might not be an English word for some for some of the food.

Step 2 Presentation

Draw a picture of a cupboard with salt, pepper, oil, sugar, etc. On the Bb. Ask What’s in this cupboard? Then ask What is in your cupboard at home?

Draw a picture of a table. Ask What is on your table at home during dinner? Draw pictures or stick pictures, or use the colour pictures on page 1 of the SB to teach the new vocabulary for this lesson.

Step 4 Presentation

Present this dialogue:

A: I eat a lot of pork.

B: Oh, I don’t I eat a lot of chicken.

A: So do I. Explain that I eat a lot of chicken, too. Practise the dialogue with the students.

Step 5 Learn and discuss

SB Page 1, Part 2. Collect more food words and put them into the table on page 1. discuss the question with several students to give some examples. Then get the students to work in pairs. Call out some of them to demonstrate. Their conversations.

Step 6 Puzzle dialogues

SB page 1. Part 3. Pair work. Check the answers as a class. In small groups, have the students role-play as if they are at a dinner.


Have the students go home and make a list of some of the things in their kitchens. If the students live on campus, have them make a list of the things they can remember that are in their families’ kitchens.

Lesson 58

Sep 1 Revision

1 Revise the names of the food and tableware in SB Lesson 57.

2 Revise the dialogues from SB Part 3 and Wb Lesson 57, Ex. 3. Choose several groups to share their rol-plays.

Step 2 Presentation

Tell the students that this table shows Li Lei’s favourite meat, Jim’s favourite meat, Jim’s favourite vegetables and Ann’s favourite fruit. Say Li Lei likes pork better. He likes chicken best. Repeat for Jim an Ann. Then get students to listen and repeat the sentences. Ask Which does Ann like better, apples or oranges? Which does she like best? Students work in pairs asking and answering about their favourite foods.

Step 3 Reading

SB Page 2, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 58. Have the students look at the picture. Ask What kind of food do you see? What countries do these foods come from?

Ask What’s the most popular food in the world? The students scan the passage for the answer.

Play the tape as a model for the students to practice reading aloud.

Discuss the passage. Ask Do you Do you like fish / pizza / hamburgers? What’s your favourite Chinese food?

Step 4 Ask and answer

SB Page 2, Part 3. Ask the students the questions and help them answer I think pork/ rice is very popular in China. Do you agree? Explain to the student the difference between I don’t really agree and I really don’t agree. I don’t really agree means that you just disagree a little bit, but are open to hear the other person’s point of view, and that you may change your opinion. However, I really don’t agree means that you strongly disagree with the other person and nothing will change your mind.


Have the students review the new words for this lesson.

Lesson 59

Step 1 Revision

1 Write lists of meat, vegetables, fruit and others on the Bb. Ask Whose favourite food is chocolate? Etc. hands up! Students vote on their favourite kind of food.

2 Competition: Ask students to give an example of a verb, a noun, a pronoun, and adjective and an adverb. Then hold a competition. In small groups, the students see which group is the first to write down eight to ten verbs/ nouns/ adjectives/ pronouns/ adverbs. Check the answers.

Step 2 Study

SB Page 3, Part 1. Let the students read through the sentences in the first box carefully. Ask them if they can discover the common feature in the sentences. Point out that all these sentences contain a noun or pronoun denoting the doer and a verb. Do the same with the sentences in the rest of the boxes. Point out the different parts of the simple sentence.

Step 3 Presentation

Ask What does your mother/ father do at home? Do you help with the housework?

In small groups, have the students make a list of what their mothers/ fathers/ themselves do at home. As a class, discuss the answers.

Step 4 Read and discuss

SB Page 3, Part 2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 59. Tell the students to look at the first passage. Ask them to quickly skim the text and tell you the main idea. Play the tape and have the students repeat.

Tell the students to look at the second passage, Ask Who is the busiest in Indira’s family? Have the students scan the passage for the answer. Explain the use of either…or and neither… nor


Finish off any workbook exercises if needed. Review the five kinds of simple sentences.

Lesson 60

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise either…or…by saying, Either I’m at home, or I’m at school. Then ask, What two places are you at usually? Help the students to answer, Either I’m at _______ or I’m at _______. Now ask a second student about where the first student usually is, only use two different places.

2 Revise the food items in this unit.

Step 2 Presentation

In small groups role-play a parent and a son/ daughter who has a foreign friend over for dinner. Remind the students to use the phrases from SB Lesson 57, part 3. Get several of the groups to share their rope-play with the rest of the class.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 4., Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 60. Books closed! Ask What are they eating for dinner? Play the tape. Check the answer. Play the tape again, students listen and repeat.

Step 4 Listening

SB Page 4, Part 2. Listening Cassette Lesson 60.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 5 Read and act

SB Pages 4-5, Part 3. Speech cassette Lesson 60. Play the tape while students listen and repeat. Then in groups of three, have the students read and act out the dialogue. Choose several groups to perform their dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Writing

SB Page 5, Part 4. For example: China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. The north part of China is famous for its dumplings. There can be meat such as pork or beef or vegetables inside dumplings In the south part of China along the Changjiang River, people eat much fish. In Shanghai the food is sweet. But no matter where you are in China, the food is always delicious.

Step 7 Checkpoint

Go through Checkpoint 15 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes on pages 158-159 for Member of the sentence, Types of Sentences and Five Kinds of Simple Sentences.

Homework Finish off the workbook exercise.

Lesson 61

Step 1 Revision

Check homework Get the students to revise Wb Lesson 60, Ex. 4.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Draw a street plan on the Bb, showing different buildings. Add a church, library, café, men’s and ladies’ rooms and video shop. Revise Where’s the …? It’s next to / in front of / behind/ outside the …

3 Revise giving directions: Excuse me, is there a hospital near here? Walk along this road and take the first turning on the left. Teach the new words. Get students to ask and answer.

4 Give the street names. Say excuse me, where’s North street, please? Help the students to answer.

Step 3 Look and say

SB Page 6, Part 1. In pairs, have students look at the picture and ask and answer questions as in the presentation. Choose several pairs to share their answers.

Step 4 Read and act

SB Page 6, Part 2, Speech cassette Lesson 61. Books closed. Teach the new words. Point the differences between cross and across and crossing. Ask How do you get to the library? Tell the students to write down the directions as they hear them. Play the tape twice. Check the answer. Note the difference between the usage of reach, arrive and get to.

In pairs have the students read the dialogue. They should pay attention to their intonation as they are giving directions.

Step 5 Practice

SB Page 6, Part 3. ask a student to volunteer to help you model a dialogue. Then ask the student, How can I get to the church? Help the student to answer with the choices from the box, for example, Go along this road and take the second turning to the right. Walk across a bridge. Go on until you reach the end. You can’t miss it.

In pairs, have students make similar dialogues. Choose several pairs to share their answers with the class.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Do Wb Lesson 61, Exx. 1 and 2 as written homework.

Lesson 62

Step 1 Revision

Review Lesson 61 by drawing a small, simple street plan of your town or city on the Bb, or by looking at the map on SB Lesson 61, Page 6. As you draw, ask Where’s the video shop? Get the students to say It’s next to the Ladies’ Room. Say, That’s right, it’s on the corner. Ask the students, What other places are on corners? Ask the students to give you directions to different places.

Step 2 Presentation

On the street play, draw three or four bus routes with different coloured chalk. The bus routes should go past the buildings on the street plan.

Present this dialogue:

A: Excuse me! Which is the way to the hospital?

B: Sorry, I don’t know. Ask the man over there. He may know.

A: Excuse me! Where’s the hospital, please?

C: It’s a long way. You’d better take a bus.

A: Which bus goes there?

C: The number 9. It’ll take about half an hour.

Explain the use of may in He may know.

Repeat, using different places and bus numbers. Get the students to play the part of B and C. Then they can practise in pairs or groups of three.

Step 4 Read and act.

SB Page 7, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 62. Books closed! Ask Where is the woman going? What number bus do they catch? Play the tape for the students to find the answers.

Books open! Look at the pictures. Get the students to describe the two people. Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Explain the new words and expressions.

Step 5 Practice

Get the students to act out the dialogue in groups of three. Divide the whole dialogue into two parts. Read and act out each part. Finally set some groups to act out the dialogue, performing all the actions. The actors should use their books for reference only. Let them look at each line before they say it-they should try to avoid reading each line directly.

Homework Finish off the workbook exercises.

Lesson 63

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to retell the story in Lesson 62 in pairs. Check some of the students.

Step 2 Read and think

SB Page 8, Part 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Choose student volunteers to read the dialogue in each of the pictures. See if the students can guess the meaning of the word cut. Ask the students if they can see the difference in the use of may in the second and third picture.

Step 3 Presentation

Tell the students I can’t find my pen. I know! It may be in my pocket! No, it may be on the floor! No, it isn’t. Continue with more It may …! No it isn’t. Then It may be in my desk! Oh yes, here it is! Repeat with other subjects in the room, and get the students to suggest where the object may be. Write may be and maybe on the Bb and tell the difference.

Step 4 Practice

1 SB Page 8, Part 2. Read through the example with the students. Teach geography, physics, history and key. Then let the students work in pairs.

2 If there is time, play the eraser game, but the student who has to find the eraser says It may be in …’s right hand. That student will answer No, it isn’t / Yes, it is.

Step 5 Presentation Draw a picture of Jim on the Bb. Perform this dialogue with him.

T: Jim, what are you going to do when you are older?

J: I’m not sure. May be sell computers.

Repeat for Lucy. Say the sentences again. Get the students to listen and repeat. Teach the meaning of I’m not sure. Ask some students What are you going to do when you are older? Help them to answer. Then students ask and answer in pairs.

Step 6 Ask and answer

SB Page 8, part 3. Read through the dialogues with the students. Then let the students work in pairs. At the end of the exercise, ask some students What are you going to do tonight, etc…?


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Do Wb Lesson 53, Ex. 2 as written work.

Lesson 64

Step 1 Revision

Revise I can’t find my …! It may be … Send two students out of the room. Hid A’s pen. Call A and B back into the room. Tell B to make suggestions like this:

A: I can’t find my pen!

B: It may be on the floor.

A: No, it isn’t.

B: It may be in your desk.

Repeat with another pair of students.

Step 2 Listening

SB Page 9, Part `, Listening Cassette Lesson 64.

Do Wb Lesson 64, Ex.1 as the students listen to the tape. Your may need to play the tape more than once.

Check the answers with the class.

Step 3 Presentation

Spelling game. Play this game in small groups. Give an example with the whole class first.

A: How do you spell “hospital”, B?

B: I’m not sure. C may know.

C: H-o-s-p-I-t-a-l. How do you spell “cinema” D?

D: I’m not sure. A may know. Etc.

Step 4 Practice

SB Page 9, part 2. Go through the dialogues with the students. The students work in pairs asking and answering.

Do Wb Lesson 64, Ex. 2.

Step 5 Read and draw

SB Page 9, Part 3. Go through the dialogue with the whole class. Draw a map showing where B’s home is on the Bb. Then the students practise in pairs. One of the students has to give directions and draw a little map. The students may change the dialogue to fit their real-life home. Then the students change roles. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

Step 6 Writing

SB Page 9, Part 4. In small groups, have the students write a dialogue about how to get somewhere that is on the map on Page 6. Make sure the students write a dialogue where everyone in the groups to share their dialogue with the class.

Step 7 Reading

SB Pages 9- 10, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 64. This part is optional. Books closed! Ask Why did Mrs Lee have to return to the restaurant? Play the tape and check the answer and have the students listen and repeat.

Step 8 Checkpoint 16

Go through Checkpoint 16 in the usual way. Discuss any problems that the students raise.


Finish of the Wb exercises.

Lesson 65

Step 1 Revision

1 Ask directions to different places in your town.

2. Check homework: Wb Lesson 64, Ex. 5. Call out several students to show their maps and read aloud the instructions for their guests to find their homes.

Step 2 Presentation

Draw a road on the Bb. Say Joan wants to cross the road. First, se must stop. Then she must look carefully. Then she can cross the road. But she must walk across the road. But she must walk across the road. She mustn’t run! Perform actions for each sentence. Say the sentences again and get the students to listen and repeat. Explain that must is used when we tell someone what to do. Get the students to tell you how Ann should cross the road.

Step 3Read and act.

SB page 11, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Talk about the picture: Who can you see? What does Kate want to do? What is Jim saying to her? Etc. Play the tape the students to listen and repeat. Then students practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out. Using appropriate.

Step 4 Read and say

SB Page 11, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Students read the instructions Then ask What must you do when the lights are green /red? Explain when as a conjunction. Give further examples of duties, e.g. When the telephone rings, I must answer it. When I get up, I must wash my face. Give some half-sentences for the students to finish.

Now take the students’ sentences and switch them around, making the subordinating clause the second clause in the sentence, e.g. I must wash my face, when I get up. It is important to show the students that unlike in Chinese, the when clause ma come second in an English sentence.

Step 5 Presentation

SB Page 11, Part 3. Introduce the word if by saying If it rains tomorrow, I will be unhappy. If it is sunny tomorrow, I will be happy. Get the students to guess the meaning of if. Tell the students that if is usually used with the Simple Present Tense even when the main clause is in the Future tense. Get them to make sentences about the weather in the same way. Some of the answers may be used more than once.

Step 6.Workbook

Wb Lesson 65, Exx.1 and 2 can be done orally in class. Ask individual students to volunteer reading the sentences to the rest of the class in Ex. 2 and translate them into Chinese. For Ex.3, have the students either work in pairs or in small groups to discuss the pictures.


Have students write a few sentences giving advice to friend. They must use the words must and mustn’t.

Write down the sentences in the exercise book for Wb Lesson 65, Ex. 3

Lesson 66

Step 1 Revision

Revise Lesson 65. Give the students an example of a school rule, e.g. You must do eye exercises every day/ wear your school uniform. Get students to use must and must not to give some school rules. Write them on the Bb.

Step 2 Presentation

Present the two dialogues:

1 A: If the weather is fine on Sunday, I will go for a walk.

B: Are you sure?

A: Yes.

2 A: If the weather is fine / hot on Sunday, I may go for a walk.

B: Are you sure?

A: No, I’m not sure.

Explain in Chinese that if sentences with will are used for definite plans or results, but sentences with may are for plans or results that are not definite.

Step 3 Presentation

Before you start this presentation, take two students aside and tell them to jump the queue. Tell five other students to line up. As they are lining up, the two students will probably get a little upset because the two students jumped the queue. Say Look at the 2 students.. They jumped the queue and the other students are not pleased with them.

Step 4 Reading

SB Page 12, Part 2, Speech cassette Lesson 66. Ask Was the queue jumper really a queue jumper? Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer. Then read it more slowly. Explain the new words and expressions in the text. Then play the tape as a model for the students to practice reading aloud. Ask the students When the woman says, “If I get there early, I can see the doctor quickly,” is she sure or not sure?

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 66, Exx. 2 and 3. For Ex. 2, have the students work individually to fill in the blanks. Check their answers with the whole class. If time permits, get some of them to retell the story. Ex. 3 can be done orally in class.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Lesson 67

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to retell the story “The queue jumper.”

Step 2 presentation

In small groups, have the students discuss the following question. Ask What must you do when you are sick? Have the students make a list of the things they must do, i.e., drink lots of water, see a doctor, etc. As a class discuss the answers.

Step 3 Read and act

1 SB page 13, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 67. Books closed! Ask What’s wrong with Kate? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open! Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Ask Why does Kate feel better? Expain the sentence You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor by translation.

2 Get some pairs to act out the dialogue. See who can do it without books.. Students may change the names of the characters to their own if they wish.

3 Do Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 1.

Step 4 Learn

SB Page 13, Part. Read over the sentences with the students. Have the students guess the similarities between them. Explain that when, if, after and before are used as subordinating conjunctions. The clause that follows a subordinating conjunction, is not a complete sentence.

Step 5 Practice

SB Page 12, part3. have the students finish the sentences individually. Then have the students share their answers with the class.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 3 Get the students to work together in pairs.


Revise the use of if, when before and after in subordinating clauses.

Write the complete sentences down in the exercise book for Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 3

Lesson 68

Step 1 Revision

1 Check homework.

2 Revise Lesson 67 by asking several more students to share their answers from part 3.

Step 2 Listening

SB Page 14, Part 1, Listening Cassette Lesson 68. Wb Lesson 68, Ex. 2. Ask the students to raise their hands as soon as they hear a mistake. You may need to play the tape two or three time for everyone to hear the mistakes.

Check the answers with the class.

Step 3 Presentation

Teach a song that is very energetic. If it has motions, that is better. You need something to get the students a little noisy. When they are a little too loud say, YOuo must stop making so much noise!

Step 4 Read and answer

SB Page 14, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 68. Give the students 3 minutes to skim the passage for the main idea. Check the answer. Teach the new words and expressions change, bell, arrive, surprise, police, enjoy oneself and themselves by having the students guess the words from the context. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Ask the class as a whole the questions orally. If the students think the answer is right they should put their thumb up. If they think the answer is wrong, they should put their thumb down.

Step 5 Writing

Sb Page 15, Part 3. This Part is optional. Have the students work in pairs to fill in the blanks. Then you may want to assign the writing part as homework if time is not enough.

Step 6 Checkpoint 17

Go through Checkpoint 17 in the usual way. Go over the grammar notes on Types of Sentences and the Adverbial Clause on pages 159-160 of the SB. Practise the “useful expressions”. Explain any problems the students raise.


Finish off the workbook exercise.

Write Ex. 7 down in the exercise book.

Lesson 69

Step 1 Revision

1 Go over the homework.

2 Revise the parts of the body: eyes, ears, mouth, head, back, arm, foot, leg, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

Present this dialogue

A: I don’t feel very well.

B: Oh dear! What’s the trouble?

A: I’ve got a headache.

B: Oh, you’d better stay in bed.

See if the students can guess the meaning of trouble. Get the students to listen and repeat. Divide the class into two halves to practice the dialogue. Make sure the students use gestures. Change the dialogue to I’ve caught a cold and practice again.

Let the students practice the dialogues in pairs.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 16, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 69. Play tape and have the students listen and repeat, paying careful attention to the intonation. Teach the word the terrible.

Step 4 Puzzle dialogue

SB Page 16,. Part 2. Teach the meaning of serious. Divide the students into groups of three. Have them fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Then get the students to role-play the dialogue. They may change the dialogue to create a new situation at the doctor’s if they wish.

Step 5 Look, say and write

SB Page 16, part 3. Get students to work pairs. Check the answers as a class.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Write down Ex. 3 in the exercise book.

Lesson 70

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework. Get some students to read aloud their notes asking for sick leave.

2 Revise the dialogue from SB Page 16, part 2. Get several small groups to act it out for the class.

Step 2 Presentation

Have the students look at the picture on SB Page 17. Ask What is the boy doing ? What do you think he is dreaming about? Say I had the worst dream last night. I was running and running but I couldn’t wake up. Finally I woke up and stopped dreaming. Then I went back to sleep, but as soon as I fell asleep again, I started dreaming that I was running and running again. Today I’m very tired. Write on the Bb the new words. Say fast asleep is an idiom.

Step 4 Reading

SB Page 17, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 70. Ask Did Roy finally get a good night sleep? Books closed! Play the tape and students listen for the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and have students read the text along with the tape. Teach the words and phrases.

Step 4 Practice

Do Wb Lesson 70, Ex. 1 and 2

In pairs ask the students to write down a dream they have had using at least three of the new vocabulary words and phrases. In small groups, have the students read their dreams to each other.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Review the new vocabulary and phrase.

Lesson 71

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise the new vocabulary by asking the students to share the dreams they wrote down.

2 Revise the text in Lesson 70 by asking the students to tell what kind of dreams Roy had and what he dreamt of after he listened to music.

Step 2 Presentation

Say I like to eat chocolate. It tastes delicious, but I mustn’t eat too much, or I’ll become too heavy. Ask What do you like to eat that tastes delicious? Write the suggestions on the Bb. Ask Which foods mustn’t you eat too much of?

Check these.

Step 3 Practice

SB Page 18, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 71. Books closed ! Ask How much chocolate can the wife eat? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Divide the class into two groups –boys and girls. The boys read the man’s part and the girls read the woman’s part.

Step 4 Look, match and read

SB Lesson 71m Page 18, Part 2. Read through the sentences with the students. Point out the linking verbs be, taste, seem, feel and smell which are followed by adjectives. Describe the new words angry, hard and smell with gestures. In pairs, get the students to match the sentences with the pictures.

Step 5 presentation

Ask What do you want to become when you grow up? Teach become. Write the following on the Bb: I want to become a … when I grow up.. Have the students tell their partners what they want to be.

Step 6 Reading

SB Page 18, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 71. Before reading about Florence Nightingale ask the students to skim the reading and look for the main idea. Teach rich. Now have the students scan the reading about Henry Norman Bethune for the answer to the following questions, Where was Dr. Bethune born? And Why did he become very popular in China? Tell them to read more about Florence Nightingale and Dr Henry Norman Bethune in the notes on SB Page 137.

Get the students to practice reading the passages aloud to their partners.

Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write Ex. 1 in the exercise book.

Lesson 72

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework.

2 Revise the linking verbs in SB Lesson 71 by asking students to make sentences with them.

3 Revise Part 3 in SB Lesson 71 by asking students to say something about Florence Nightingale and Dr Bethune.

Step 2 Listening

SB Page 19, Part 1, Listening Cassette Lesson 72. Wb Lesson 72m Ex 1. Books closed! Say Mr Brown’s head hurts. Ask What part of his head hurts? Play the tape for the students to answer the question.

Then read through the questions in Wb Ex. 1 Make sure the students understand them. Play the tape once or twice for the students to find the answer.

Let the students discuss their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with whole class.

Step 3 Practice

SB Page 19, Part 2. Teach the word instead. In pairs, have the students match the sentences. Walk around and give help where needed. Ask several pairs to share their answers with the whole class.

Step 4 Read and answer

1 SB Page 19-20, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 72. Say to the students, Look at the picture. What can you see? What’s happening? Now read the dialogue quickly and find the answer to this question: What’s wrong with Mrs Brown? Let the students find the answer.

2 Teach the words and phrases instead of, enough, and thin. Tell the students to read the dialogue more carefully. Get them to discuss the questions after reading the story in pairs,

3 Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Then let the students practice the dialogue in pairs in the usual way.

Step 5 Writing

SB Page 20, Part 4. Students work individually to write the letter to their penfriend.

Step 6 Checkpoint 18

Go through Checkpoint 18. Give the students extra practice when necessary: You can revise the dialogue from earlier lessons.

Spend time on the “useful expressions.” Revise the new vocabulary in the unit.


Finish off the Wb exercises.

Unit 19 A visit to island

Lesson 73

Step 1 revision

1. Check homework

3 Get some students to retell the story about Mrs Brown SB Lessson 72.

Step 2 read and act

SB Page 21 Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Play the tape. Ask where are Bruce and Bill going to meet? When are they going to meet? Check the answers Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Then books open.

Practise the dialogue with the students. Let the students work in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without books if possible.

Step3 Presentation

1. talk about the picture on SB Page 21. Get the students to give us much information as they can: ask: How many islands can you see? Which is near? Which is farther/ the farthest? Where are the children? What are they doing? ect. Note the spelling of island. Let the students practice the pronunciation before they see the spelling. When you write the word on the SB, explain that the letter “s” is silent.

2. Ask three students (A, B and C) to come to the front and to stand one next to each other, close to you, like this: T_______A_______B_____C Say C is near. B is nearer than C, but A is the nearest. Repeat, then students listen and repeat. Then get the three students listen and repeat. Then get the three students to move away from you : T______________A______B______C Say A is far. B is farther than A, but C is the farthest. Get the students to listen and repeat. Ask students questions: Who is nearer, A or B? Who is farther/the farthest? etc.

Step 4 Read and act

SB Page 21 Part2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 73. Books closed! Ask Which island will they go to? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open . Play the tae again for the students to listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 5 Workbook

Ex.2 should be done orally in small groups.

Lesson 74.

Step 1 revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Revise far/ farther/ farthest by asking about objects around the room. For example ask Which is farther from me, the door or the window? You may also ask students how far they can jump. Then make comparisons by asking Who jumps farther, A or B? who jumps farthest, A,B or C?

Step 2 Pre-read

SB Page 22, Part1. turn out the lights in the classroom. Then have the students close their eyes. Tell the students You are going to make a picture in your mind. Think that you are on an island with many trees. The wind is blowing and you hear the sea hit the beach. It smells funny and you hear strange noises. You are all alone. Give the students a few minutes of silence to thoroughly imagine themselves on the island. Now ask them to open their eyes and with their partners, discuss the questions. Then call out some students to give their answers.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Draw a house on the Bb and teach this dialogue:

A: Is there anybody in the house?

B: Yes, I think there’s somebody in it.

C: No. I don’t think there’s anybody in it/ There is nobody in it.

Drill the dialogue using in the room/building/village/boat/or on the island, etc.

Then show the students a handbag or a box and teach this dialogue:

A: Is there anything in this bag?

B: I don’t think there’s anything in it.

C: I think there is something in it.

Open your bag and tell the students if there is anything in it.

Say: Yes, there’s something in it. Or there is nothing in it.

Explain the use of anything, anybody, something, somebody, nothing and nobody.

2. Now draw a picture of children pulling a boat up from the water on the Bb. Then tell the story in SB Page 22. Explain the new words by gesture or facial expression, eg. happily, lots of and cry.

Step4 Reading

SB Page 22, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Ask What do the children do on the island? Let the student scan the passage again more slowly. Ask the questions in WB L74, Ex1,and get the students to guess what happened to the children’s picnic. Reming the students of the use of negative questions when expresses pleasure in the same way. Tell them the meaning of all by ourselves, perhaps, no longer and get back. Now play the tape for the students to practice reading aloud

Step5 Practice

Divide the class into groups of six. One of them plays the part of a narrator. The others play Lucy, Jim, Kate, Bruce and Ah Fang. Read the text aloud. Change the roles. Act out the conversation. Ask one or two to give their performance in front of the class.

Step6 Workbook

Lesson 75

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to retell the story from SB page 22, Part 2, L74. If your students have difficulty, you may ask questions about the story to help them.

Step2 Presentation

Revise the parts of the face. Teach the students these sentences, performing appropriate actions: I see with my eyes. I hear with my mouth. Get some students to act them out.

Step3 Ask and answer

Page 23, Part 1, Speech Cassette L75. Books closed! Ask what or who are on the island with the children? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and students listen and repeat. Point out the use of something, somebody, anything, and nobody, which corresponds to some, any, and no. We often use any, anything, and nobody in questions, e.g. Is there anybody on the island? Can’t you hear anything? We also use them in negative sentences, e.g. I can’t hear anything. Some, something and somebody are usually used in statements. In pairs have students substitute the answers in the box to make new dialogues. Ask several pairs to share their new dialogue. Do Wb Lessson 75, Ex.1

Step 4 Puzzle dialogues

Sb Page 23, Part2. Read through the parts of the dialogues with the students. Explain too---to--- and everybody. Then get the students to work in pairs making sentences.

Step5 Read and say

SB Page 23, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Have the students cover up the dialogue with their hand. Then have them describe the picture to you. For example, The mom/sister is talking on the telephone. The boy is working/playing on the computer. The girls/twins are playing on the floor with a truck. There is a plant in the room, etc. Play the tape and get the students to read and repeat. Then ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

Step 6 workbook

Lesson 76

Step 1 revision

Get the students to retell the story in this unit. To help them with the reading, show the pictures in each lesson or ask questions.

Step 2 Presentation

Ask what did the children lose on the island? If it wasn’t mentioned in the retelling of the story. Ask Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? If the students answers Yes, have him or her tell why they think that. The same goes for the students who answers No.

Step3 reading

SB Page 24 Part1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Ask the students again, Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? Who has the basket? How did the children get the basket back? Ask Where is the boat? Have students scan the passage for the answer. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Teach as and eat up.

Step 4 Listening

SB Page 24 Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76, Ex 2.

Step 5 Listen, write and draw

SB Pages 24-25, part 3. Before you read the text for the students, explain to them that you are going to read something to them and they need to follow the directions. You may need to read two or three times.

Step 6 Writing

Part 4. this part is optional. In small groups, have students write a report about their last school trip. Remember to tell the students that everyone must contribute to the report. Ask a group to read their report.

Step 7 rhyme

Part 5 Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat.

Step 8 Checkpoint 19

Go through Checkpoint 19 in the usual way.

Step 9 Workbook

Unit 20 Mainly revision

Lesson 77

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Step 2 Presentation

Say I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. I’ll have to learn how to use it by myself. Ask How many of you have a computer? How did you learn how to use it? Write the following dialogue on the Bb:

A: I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet.

B: Who is going to teach you, your parents?

A: No, they don’t know anything about computers.

B: Oh, neither do mine.

A: I’ll have to learn by myself.

Get the students to guess the meaning of yet and by myself. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 26, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 77. Section A. Play the tape and have the students read and listen. Ask What does Han Mei’s cousin do? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have students repeat.

Section B. Ask What do you have to do at home/ Do you have some kind of work to do to help your family? Play the tape while students read and listen. Ask Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have student practice both dialogues. Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home. Ask several pairs to act out their dialogues.

Step 4 Write

SB Page 26, Part. Get the students to guess them meaning of sad. Have the students make a list of things that make them happy and 5 things that make them sad. Then have a class scramble where the students walk around the class and ask at least three other people what makes them sad and happy. As a class ask the students to share what they have discovered.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Do Wb Lesson 77, Ex. 1 in the exercise book.

Lesson 78

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Revise the family relationships of aunt, uncle and cousin, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

Books closed! Show the students how to begin writing a diary. On the Bb draw a rectangle that represents a page from a diary. Place the date and day on the top left hand side, and the weather on the right hand side. Now give the students a few minutes to do the same on a piece of paper. Now have the students write something in their diary. They should write in English. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. However, encourage the students to use the language they know.

Step 3 Reading

SB page 27, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask What’s the main idea of the diary? Give the students about three minutes to skim the test for the main idea of the reading. Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape while the students read along silently. Play the tape again and get the students to repeat.

Step 5 Read and act

Get the class to read the dialogue in pairs.

Huang: Grandma is sick. I have to take her to hospital. But my baby …/ I can’t leave her by herself. What can I do?

Ling: I don’t have any lessons this afternoon. I can look after her for you.

Huang: Oh that’s great! Thanks so much, Xiao Feng.

Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 6 Practice

In pairs, have the students retell the story. Then ask them to tell their own story of what in waas like to watch a younger child, or play with a younger child, if possible.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Revise the new vocabulary.

Write a diary as Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 3 requires.

Lesson 79

Check the homework. Get some students to answer the questions about Ling Feng’s diary. Then ask some students to retell the story.

Step 2 Presentation

Revise dates and months. Say It’ll be July soon. We’ll have the exams. After we finish the exams, we’ll have our summer holidays. Ask the class What are you going to do in your summer holidays? Then you may say what you are going to do, e.g. I’ll go to my hometown. I’ll visit my uncle and aunt there. And I’ll also go to visit a few cities-places of interest in China. Then ask the students Where shall I go for my holiday? What other places shall I go to see?

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Let the students listen to the tape to find the answers these questions: What cities is Emma going to visit in her summer holidays? What will Hu Xin do? Check the answers. Have the students guess the meaning of the new word wonderful. The listen to the tape again and repeat after it. Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Write

SSB Page 28, Part 3. Have the students individually make two lists. One a can do list, and the other a can’t do list. Then have the students talk about their lists in pairs. As a class, take a poll and see how many students can do something and can’t do something.


Write Wb Lesson 79, ex 3 in the exercise book.

Lesson 80

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Get several pairs to tell their stories from Wb Lesson 79, Ex 3.

Step 2 Study and match

SB Page 29, Part 1. Go through each of the sentences carefully and point out every part of the sentences. Give more examples when necessary. Note that S stands for the subject, V for the Verb, O for the object and P for the predicative. In pairs ask the students to match the kinds of sentence patterns with the sentences, Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Listening

SB Page 29, Part2. Listening cassette Lesson 80. Play the tape. Then look at the questions in Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. see how many of the question s the students can answer orally. If the students can answer all of he question go on, if not, play the tape again while the students are looking at the questions.

Step 4 Writing

SB Page 29-30, Part 4. In groups of four, have the students fill in the blanks with the correct words. Check the answers as a class. Then have the students practice the dialogue. Encourage the students who are playing the part of the teacher to use intonation and body language that show anger. Ask several groups to act out the dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Read and answer

SB Page 30, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 80. Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer to the question why did the monkey laugh in the end of the story? Check the answer. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to listen to the story. Write down the new words on the Bb. Get the students to guess the meaning of these words form the context of the story. Play the tape again for the students to practice reading aloud. If there is time, ask students to role-play the story.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Write Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 7 in the exercise book.

Lesson 81

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Step 2 Presentation

Say I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. I’ll have to learn how to use it by myself. Ask How many of you have a computer? How did you learn how to use it? Write the following dialogue on the Bb:

A: I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet.

B: Who is going to teach you, your parents?

A: No, they don’t know anything about computers.

B: Oh, neither do mine.

A: I’ll have to learn by myself.

Get the students to guess the meaning of yet and by myself. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 26, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 77. Section A. Play the tape and have the students read and listen. Ask What does Han Mei’s cousin do? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have students repeat.

Section B. Ask What do you have to do at home/ Do you have some kind of work to do to help your family? Play the tape while students read and listen. Ask Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have student practice both dialogues. Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home. Ask several pairs to act out their dialogues.

Step 4 Write

SB Page 26, Part. Get the students to guess them meaning of sad. Have the students make a list of things that make them happy and 5 things that make them sad. Then have a class scramble where the students walk around the class and ask at least three other people what makes them sad and happy. As a class ask the students to share what they have discovered.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Do Wb Lesson 77, Ex. 1 in the exercise book.

Lesson 82

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Revise the family relationships of aunt, uncle and cousin, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

Books closed! Show the students how to begin writing a diary. On the Bb draw a rectangle that represents a page from a diary. Place the date and day on the top left hand side, and the weather on the right hand side. Now give the students a few minutes to do the same on a piece of paper. Now have the students write something in their diary. They should write in English. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. However, encourage the students to use the language they know.

Step 3 Reading

SB page 27, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask What’s the main idea of the diary? Give the students about three minutes to skim the test for the main idea of the reading. Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape while the students read along silently. Play the tape again and get the students to repeat.

Step 5 Read and act

Get the class to read the dialogue in pairs.

Huang: Grandma is sick. I have to take her to hospital. But my baby …/ I can’t leave her by herself. What can I do?

Ling: I don’t have any lessons this afternoon. I can look after her for you.

Huang: Oh that’s great! Thanks so much, Xiao Feng.

Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 6 Practice

In pairs, have the students retell the story. Then ask them to tell their own story of what in waas like to watch a younger child, or play with a younger child, if possible.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Revise the new vocabulary.

Write a diary as Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 3 requires.

Lesson 83

Check the homework. Get some students to answer the questions about Ling Feng’s diary. Then ask some students to retell the story.

Step 2 Presentation

Revise dates and months. Say It’ll be July soon. We’ll have the exams. After we finish the exams, we’ll have our summer holidays. Ask the class What are you going to do in your summer holidays? Then you may say what you are going to do, e.g. I’ll go to my hometown. I’ll visit my uncle and aunt there. And I’ll also go to visit a few cities-places of interest in China. Then ask the students Where shall I go for my holiday? What other places shall I go to see?

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Let the students listen to the tape to find the answers these questions: What cities is Emma going to visit in her summer holidays? What will Hu Xin do? Check the answers. Have the students guess the meaning of the new word wonderful. The listen to the tape again and repeat after it. Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Write

SSB Page 28, Part 3. Have the students individually make two lists. One a can do list, and the other a can’t do list. Then have the students talk about their lists in pairs. As a class, take a poll and see how many students can do something and can’t do something.


Write Wb Lesson 79, ex 3 in the exercise book.

Lesson 84

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Get several pairs to tell their stories from Wb Lesson 79, Ex 3.

Step 2 Study and match

SB Page 29, Part 1. Go through each of the sentences carefully and point out every part of the sentences. Give more examples when necessary. Note that S stands for the subject, V for the Verb, O for the object and P for the predicative. In pairs ask the students to match the kinds of sentence patterns with the sentences, Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Listening

SB Page 29, Part2. Listening cassette Lesson 80. Play the tape. Then look at the questions in Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. see how many of the question s the students can answer orally. If the students can answer all of he question go on, if not, play the tape again while the students are looking at the questions.

Step 4 Writing

SB Page 29-30, Part 4. In groups of four, have the students fill in the blanks with the correct words. Check the answers as a class. Then have the students practice the dialogue. Encourage the students who are playing the part of the teacher to use intonation and body language that show anger. Ask several groups to act out the dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Read and answer

SB Page 30, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 80. Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer to the question why did the monkey laugh in the end of the story? Check the answer. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to listen to the story. Write down the new words on the Bb. Get the students to guess the meaning of these words form the context of the story. Play the tape again for the students to practice reading aloud. If there is time, ask students to role-play the story.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Write Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 7 in the exercise book.

Unit 22

Lesson 85

Step 1 revision

2. Check homework

4 Get some students to retell the story about Mrs Brown SB Lessson 72.

Step 2 read and act

SB Page 21 Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Play the tape. Ask where are Bruce and Bill going to meet? When are they going to meet? Check the answers Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Then books open.

Practise the dialogue with the students. Let the students work in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without books if possible.

Step3 Presentation

3. talk about the picture on SB Page 21. Get the students to give us much information as they can: ask: How many islands can you see? Which is near? Which is farther/ the farthest? Where are the children? What are they doing? ect. Note the spelling of island. Let the students practice the pronunciation before they see the spelling. When you write the word on the SB, explain that the letter “s” is silent.

4. Ask three students (A, B and C) to come to the front and to stand one next to each other, close to you, like this: T_______A_______B_____C Say C is near. B is nearer than C, but A is the nearest. Repeat, then students listen and repeat. Then get the three students listen and repeat. Then get the three students to move away from you : T______________A______B______C Say A is far. B is farther than A, but C is the farthest. Get the students to listen and repeat. Ask students questions: Who is nearer, A or B? Who is farther/the farthest? etc.

Step 4 Read and act

SB Page 21 Part2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 73. Books closed! Ask Which island will they go to? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open . Play the tae again for the students to listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 5 Workbook

Ex.2 should be done orally in small groups.

Lesson 86

Step 1 revision

3. Check the homework.

4. Revise far/ farther/ farthest by asking about objects around the room. For example ask Which is farther from me, the door or the window? You may also ask students how far they can jump. Then make comparisons by asking Who jumps farther, A or B? who jumps farthest, A,B or C?

Step 2 Pre-read

SB Page 22, Part1. turn out the lights in the classroom. Then have the students close their eyes. Tell the students You are going to make a picture in your mind. Think that you are on an island with many trees. The wind is blowing and you hear the sea hit the beach. It smells funny and you hear strange noises. You are all alone. Give the students a few minutes of silence to thoroughly imagine themselves on the island. Now ask them to open their eyes and with their partners, discuss the questions. Then call out some students to give their answers.

Step 3 Presentation

3. Draw a house on the Bb and teach this dialogue:

A: Is there anybody in the house?

B: Yes, I think there’s somebody in it.

C: No. I don’t think there’s anybody in it/ There is nobody in it.

Drill the dialogue using in the room/building/village/boat/or on the island, etc.

Then show the students a handbag or a box and teach this dialogue:

A: Is there anything in this bag?

B: I don’t think there’s anything in it.

C: I think there is something in it.

Open your bag and tell the students if there is anything in it.

Say: Yes, there’s something in it. Or there is nothing in it.

Explain the use of anything, anybody, something, somebody, nothing and nobody.

4. Now draw a picture of children pulling a boat up from the water on the Bb. Then tell the story in SB Page 22. Explain the new words by gesture or facial expression, eg. happily, lots of and cry.

Step4 Reading

SB Page 22, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Ask What do the children do on the island? Let the student scan the passage again more slowly. Ask the questions in WB L74, Ex1,and get the students to guess what happened to the children’s picnic. Reming the students of the use of negative questions when expresses pleasure in the same way. Tell them the meaning of all by ourselves, perhaps, no longer and get back. Now play the tape for the students to practice reading aloud

Step5 Practice

Divide the class into groups of six. One of them plays the part of a narrator. The others play Lucy, Jim, Kate, Bruce and Ah Fang. Read the text aloud. Change the roles. Act out the conversation. Ask one or two to give their performance in front of the class.

Step6 Workbook

Lesson 87

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to retell the story from SB page 22, Part 2, L74. If your students have difficulty, you may ask questions about the story to help them.

Step2 Presentation

Revise the parts of the face. Teach the students these sentences, performing appropriate actions: I see with my eyes. I hear with my mouth. Get some students to act them out.

Step3 Ask and answer

Page 23, Part 1, Speech Cassette L75. Books closed! Ask what or who are on the island with the children? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and students listen and repeat. Point out the use of something, somebody, anything, and nobody, which corresponds to some, any, and no. We often use any, anything, and nobody in questions, e.g. Is there anybody on the island? Can’t you hear anything? We also use them in negative sentences, e.g. I can’t hear anything. Some, something and somebody are usually used in statements. In pairs have students substitute the answers in the box to make new dialogues. Ask several pairs to share their new dialogue. Do Wb Lessson 75, Ex.1

Step 4 Puzzle dialogues

Sb Page 23, Part2. Read through the parts of the dialogues with the students. Explain too---to--- and everybody. Then get the students to work in pairs making sentences.

Step5 Read and say

SB Page 23, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Have the students cover up the dialogue with their hand. Then have them describe the picture to you. For example, The mom/sister is talking on the telephone. The boy is working/playing on the computer. The girls/twins are playing on the floor with a truck. There is a plant in the room, etc. Play the tape and get the students to read and repeat. Then ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

Step 6 workbook

Lesson 88

Step 1 revision

Get the students to retell the story in this unit. To help them with the reading, show the pictures in each lesson or ask questions.

Step 2 Presentation

Ask what did the children lose on the island? If it wasn’t mentioned in the retelling of the story. Ask Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? If the students answers Yes, have him or her tell why they think that. The same goes for the students who answers No.

Step3 reading

SB Page 24 Part1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Ask the students again, Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? Who has the basket? How did the children get the basket back? Ask Where is the boat? Have students scan the passage for the answer. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Teach as and eat up.

Step 4 Listening

SB Page 24 Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76, Ex 2.

Step 5 Listen, write and draw

SB Pages 24-25, part 3. Before you read the text for the students, explain to them that you are going to read something to them and they need to follow the directions. You may need to read two or three times.

Step 6 Writing

Part 4. this part is optional. In small groups, have students write a report about their last school trip. Remember to tell the students that everyone must contribute to the report. Ask a group to read their report.

Step 7 rhyme

Part 5 Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat.

Step 8 Checkpoint 19

Go through Checkpoint 19 in the usual way.

Step 9 Workbook

Lesson 89

Step 1 Revision

Check the writing tasks: a report about the sports meeting and the 8 sentences from Wb Lesson 88, Ex. 5

Step 2 Presentation

Say Last night I watched a movie with Zhang Ziyi in it. I think she is a famous person. Write on the Bb, Who is a famous person that you like? Why? Get the students to guess the meaning of person. In pairs, have the students discuss the question s. Then ask several students to discuss who they think is famous and why. Say It’s not just actors / actresses and musicians who are famous. What are some other things that people do to make them famous? Get the students to give suggestions such as writers, politicians.

Step 2 Read and act

SB Page 41, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 89. Ask the students to find the answer to the question, Why does Jim like Bill Gates? Play the tape and have the students listen and repeat. Teach the word and phrase interested and be interested in. See if the students understand thought, technology, and best-seller from the context. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue.

Step 4 Presentation

Say I always wanted to be a teacher. Ask What do you want to be? Have a class scramble where the students ask each other, What do you want to be? Write this sentence on the Bb. Each students needs to ask 5 other students what they want to be. Then have them come back as a class and take a poll as to how many students want to be businessmen, teachers, etc. Ask Can a person do more than one thing/ Ask the students to give you some examples such as a teacher who also writes books, etc.

Step 5 Read and practise

SB Page 41, Part 2. In pairs have the students read the dialogue. Then have students make up their own dialogues based on the dialogue given. Ask several pairs to say their new dialogues for the class. Be sure that you ask different pairs of students each time so that every student has a chance to share with the class.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

Write the answers to the interview from Wb

Lesson 89, Ex. 2 and the sentences in Ex. 3 in the exercise book.

Lesson 90

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework

2 Ask several students to share some of their answers from their interviews and their sentences from Wb Lesson 89, Ex. 3.

Step 2 Pre-read

SB Page 42, Part 1. In small groups have the students discuss the questions. Then have the students share their answers together. If the students don’t know much about Bill Gates, ask the students if they know what a personal computer is. Then ask if they know the names of different computer software companies. Guide them to answer Microsoft. Say Bill Gates helped Microsoft make things easier for people to use their programmes, such as Microsoft word. Help the students to guess the meaning of programme.

Step 3 Reading

SB Page 42, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 90. Review how to skim a text. For Skimming, a person should read only the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Give the students three minutes to skim the test for the main idea. Point out how the text is laid out to give the students clues about the main idea. Ask the students to scan the text for the answer to the following question: Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape and have the students listen and read along. Do Wb Lesson 90, Ex 1.

Step 4 Workbook

Wb Lesson 90. Exx. 2 and 3. Ex 2 can be done orally in pairs.

Before starting to do Ex. 3, get the students to revise the new words and expression s in the reading passage. After the sentences are


Teaching Plan of Unit 1

Making a difference

Tasks which should be achieved in this unit:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of science and scientist;

b. Learn to use the following sentence structures:

That’s correct /true.

There is no doubt that ……

It’s clear that…..

It’s hard to say.

I doubt that … …

Well, maybe, but … …

What’s your idea ?

Have you thought about … …

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

undertake, analysis, obvious, within, agriculture, gravity, debate, biologist, scan, boundary, promising, graduate, disable, theory, seek, misunderstand, scientific, observe, observation, match, predict, unhappiness, astronomer, curious, microscope, telescope, heaven, punish, intelligent, patient, experiment.

d. Useful expressions:

work on, go by, be/get engaged to sb. , go on with, dream of, turn out, take a look at, what if, the other way around, hope for, in fact, in the 1970s, mean to do sth. , according to , believe in, a number of, test the theory, use up, in order to , search for, stop sb. from doing sth.,etc.

e. Grammar:

the infinitive

some examples for you to illustrate its usages:

1. It’s important to learn a foreign language well.

2. Nothing in the world is to be feared.

3. It’s hard to say.

4. He offered to help us.

5. He usually has a lot of work to do on Sundays.

6. We eat to live , but we don’t live to eat.

7. In order to catch up with his classmates, he worked even harder.

8. He traveled around the world to give lectures.

9. To explain what they have seen, they built a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects.

10. Hawking explains what it means to be a scientist and how science works.

11. Readers are pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand.

12. Do you have anything more to say for yourself?

Warming up

Activities: 1. Introduce the persons you visited during the summer holiday;

2.Collect the names of as many famous scientists as you know and explain what the one you know well did in his life.

(the following questions may help you in the discussion: Who is he /she ? What is he/she?

What does / did he do in his life? )


Aim: to integrate listening

1. Make your students clear about the tasks first, and tell them what they should do after finishing the tape.

2. Play the tape once again if necessary.

3. Discussing the answers by group work.

4. Check the answers.

5. Finishing the listening tasks in the workbook.


1. Encourage your students to be brave enough to practice, and guide them to finish the speaking task in the workbook..

2. Allow them 10 minutes or more to do group work.

3. Ask every group to make one or two sentences using the words represent/ branch/ debate

Pre-reading: questions:

Have you ever heard of Hawking?

How much do you know about him?


Skim the text quickly and answer the questions:

Read the story slowly for information and answer true/ false exercise.

Discussion in group of four or six:

What can we learn from the experience of Hawking?


Ask students to develop what they have discussed into a passage of about 100 words.

Tips for writing:

Write creatively so you end the story in an interesting style(for example :funny, sad or happy)

Use correct tenses and sentence structure

Pay attention to punctuation

Check your work for mistakes

Pair activity: Improve writing by examine each other’s work and give advice.

Language study:

Ask students to study the following sentences and try to get the meaning of the sentences, encouraging them to use a dictionary if necessary.

1. The couple used up all their money to seek their 5-year-old son, who got lost months ago.

2. The police let the man go after they found out that his DNA fingerprint didn’t match what they had got from the crime scene.


Give some examples to students and ask them to study the usage of the infinitive:

1. It’s important to learn a foreign language well.

2. He offered to help us.

3. He usually has a lot of work to do on Sundays.

4. We eat to live , but we don’t live to eat.

5. He warned us not to go out at night.

6. What he wants to do is earn his own bread.

Ask them to make as many sentences as they can, using the infinitive.

Integrating skills:

Aims: improve reading and writing skills.

Explain some important sentences and help students to solve problems they met during the course of studying this unit.

Out-of-class work:

Learn the new words by heart.

Read more materials about science and scientists from newspapers or magazines.

Collect some information about a famous scientist who you are most interested in.



1.What would you like?

2.Would you like to have dinner with me?

3.Would you like some butter with your bread.

4.Help yourself to some soup.

5.Do you like fast food?

6.Chocolate is good for our health.--No. I don’t really agree.

7.With sugar or milk?

8.Chinese tea without anything in it.

9.Come and take a seat.

10、Today we are going to have something English

11、This is take away food! This isn’t home cooking.

12、It must be more delicious.

13、A table for two?

14、Can we sit at the table by the window?

15、May I take your order now?

16、Could we have the bill?

17、Have chicken with potatoes.

18、China is very famous for its food in the world.

19、Go along ZhongShan road, and turn right at the second crossing.

20、Go across the bridge. You’ll find the bridge on the left. It’s between the post office and the hospital.

21、You can’t miss it.

22、Go up this road to the end

23、Go on until you reach the end.

24、An old woman is standing at a street corner.

25、She seems worried.

26、He is sick in hospital.

27、is it in one of your pockets?

28、What about your inside pocket?

29、Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.

30、At the end of the street.

31、It’ll take you about half an hour

32、That is quite a long way!

33、We had better catch a bus.

34、Twenty minutes later in hospital, the woman finds her husband. He is still quite weak. They look around but LiuMei did not wait for their thanks.

35、The key to my bike

36、You can keep them for two weeks.

37、Help my uncle fix the machine.

38、You must be more careful. That car nearly hit you.

39、It’s dangerous! The car may hit you.

40、If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. You must not cross in front of the traffic. If the light is yellow, you should wait. It is better to wait and be safe.

41、If you drive too fast, you may have an accident. If you make a lot of noise, you may disturb others. If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait. If you are not careful, a car may hit you. If the traffic light is red, you must stop.

42、When many passengers are waiting for a bus, you must stand in line and wait for your turn. When you get on the bus, you must buy ticket. If you get off the bus, you mustn’t push others. When you are in Uk, you must drive on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look left and right.

43、Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for school. If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.

44、You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor.

45、After you use plastic bag, you mustn’t throw them about.

46、People in USA can’t drink beer or wine before they reach 21.

47、It necessary for us to learn to wait.

48、I don’t feel very well=I am not feeling very well

49、What’s the trouble?=what’s wrong?=what’s the matter

50、What a terrible cough

51、I had a pain in my head

52、How are you felling now

53、Let me take your temperature

54、Nothing serious

55、She didn’t feel like eating anything

56、Take the medicine three times/twice/once a day

57、I had to sit down and rest every five minutes

58、There is nothing much wrong.

59、I am afraid you have a problem: you are eating too much

60、I mean you eat too much rich food and you don’t take enough exercise

61、What do I have to do if I want to be thinner?

62、You have to eat less food and take more exercise

63、Instead of them.

64、Are you coming with us?

65、I’d love to, but I am afraid……

66、Let’s go to the first island.

67、We’d better not go there

68、We’ve never been there.

69、Let’s pull it out of the water

70、The children pulled the boat up from the water.

71、Bring the picnic basket up

72、the food won’t get too hot

73、Keep it cool

74、I can hear sth.

75、Perhaps there are some dangerous animals.

76、Let’s go for a walk

77、Time for our lunch

78、get sth to eat.

79、solve this problem

80、drop the basket and run away

81、be happy to get their basket back

82、They eat up all the food very soon.

83、I didn’t join them.

84、She looks worried.

85、I can’t leave her by herself.

86、He look at me and cry harder and harder.

87、I make faces and jump like a monkey

88、I did all kinds of funny things

89、Dad is going to take me to our hometown in JIangXi

90、My parents will take Victor and me to a few cities in the south

91、They are all very interesting places.

92、Fly to the moon

93、Can you stand on your head?

94、His right hand is badly hurt, he had to draw a picture with his left hand

95、He make one of the smaller animals bring him sth. To eat

96、He tell me not to bring anything to you.

97、Look into the river

98、With these words

99、He heard someone playing his sonata in F

100、From the small house came a girl’s voice:“I can’t play any more“

101、How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!

102、We can not afford to buy tickets to the concert

103、I just say it for fun.

104、In a dim candle light a girl was sitting before a piano

105、A young man was making shoes at a table near her

106、Pardon me

107、I heard the woman next door playing this music

108、I listened to her out of the window for a long time

109、The moon shine brightly in through the window

110、They listened to him silently, they both lost themselves

111、He is too young to dress himself

112、Why not take you brother out with you

113、I think it’s time for us to leave

114、Don’t leave anything behind

115、Which sport are you in=Which sport do you take part in

116、Do you take an active part in?

117、LiLei pass the stick on to Jim

118、They were neck and neck

119、At the end of the second lap, they both pass their sticks at the same time

120、He dropped his stick on the ground

121、Headteacher is going to tell us the results right now

122、It’s written by Bill Gares

123、It tell us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways

124、It was the best-sellers on the New York times list

125、He was named William Henry after his grandfather

126、He and some of his friends doing unusual things

127、He go to Harvard University

128、He developed the Basic language for the first microcomputer

129、They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computer

130、Do you plan to get a present

131、I am not sure if that’s a good idea.

132、Bill decided to buy some medicine for them

133、Bill think that it is right for rich people to help poor people.

134、Mar Twain was a great American writer.

135、He like to tell funny stories to make people laugh, he also like playing jokes on his friends

136、He was travelling with a friend of his

137He was rather angry with the man upstairs

138、You drop your boots on the floor, it happens every night.

139、He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door

140、Please drop the other boot! I was waiting the sound of the other boot, I can’t get to sleep

141、He decided to refuse them politely.

142、I went to bed too late. I was doing my homework and forgot the time

143、My wallet dropped on the ground.

144、A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.

145、The truck was coming round the corner

146、It was carrying some large bags rice

147、He didn’t see the bag of rice until it was too late

148、Luckily he was not badly hurt

149、Don’t mention it. Don’t crowd round him

150、The girl let the traffic go again

151、As quickly she could= As soon as possible

152、With the medicine box under her arm ,Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man

153、Mrs Beet a 38-year-old woman

156、While she was trying to pass a truck before her, she saw 157、another car coming.

158、She quickly turned her streering wheel.

159、She couldn’t stop her own car, it ran into the river.

160、He jumped into the water at once

161、He pulled her out of the window and then out of the window

162、He gave Mrs. Beet mouth-to-mouth breathing

163、She came herself

164、A new ship set off (set out) from England to America 165、on its first trip

166、There were over people

167、The trip was pleasant and people were enjoying themselves

168、He could the iceberg here and there

169、A man on watch shouted:“Iceberg in front

170、Ship hit the iceberg and came to a stop

171、Water begin to come inside and start to sink

172、Children and woman were the first to get into the 173、lifeboats

174、Please make room for me

175、There is no more room here

176、Take my place. I am not married and I have no children

177、She got out and the thankful woman joined her children

178、Soon after that, the ship sank

179、More than 1500 people lost their lives. Among those 180、was the young woman

181、It has the colours of sky

182、I jump up and stand on my toes

183、I hold my head high in the air

184、We rub our necks together


1.so + 助动词+人称代词主格

2.pass sb. Sth=pass sth. to sb.



5.It seems that

6.find sb. doing sth.

7.make sb. doing sth.

8.stop doing sth.

9.It will take sb. some times to do sth.

10.had better do sth.

11.be happy to do sth.


13.So + 主语 + 助动词

14.Seem +形容词

15、It necessary for sb. to do sth.

16、not until.

17、invite sb. to do sth.

18、invite sb. to ……

19、stop doing sth.

20、Take sb. To the hospital

21、He has to stay in bed when he is sick

22、Do I have to stop eating ice cream

23、No I don’t have to, but you must eat less of it

24、Feel like doing

25、Stop from doing sth.

26、Dream about that

27、Be busy doing

28、all by oneself

29、take care of sb.

30、After a while

31、Run away

32、Eat up

33、Turn off/on

34、Make faces

35、Any more

36、Afford to do sth.

37、Knock at/on

38、To one’s surprise

39、Look up

40、Leave behind

41、100-meter race

42、take an active part in

43、pass on

44、catch up with sb.

45、Fall behind sb.

46、Neck and neck

47、A moment later

48、Well done

49、Congratulations to sb. On sth

50、Not as/so……as

51、Take turns

52、Do one’s best

53、Best seller

54、Be interested in

55、In the future

56、Work out

57、Play a joke on

58、Get on well with

59、Fed up with

60、Take off

61、Be angry with

62、Play with

63、As usual


65、Come to oneself


67、At moment

68、Set off

69、Here and there

70、On watch

71、Look out

72、Make room for

73、Take one’s place

74、Lay eggs


1、a fewa bitfewlittlea little

afew修饰可数名词,表肯定,few表示否定,反义词是many。A little修是不可数名词,表肯定,little表否定,反义词是much。A bit不能直接修是不可名词,用a bit of +不可数名词=a little。 Not a bit =not……at all。 Not a little=very much。



3、both andeither oreither nor

both and连接两个主语时,谓语动词采用复数形式。Either or 和 neither no连接句子两个主语时,谓语动词和nor或or 后的主语在数上和人称上保持一致。

4、agree with 和 agree to

agree with表示同意某人的意见,with后常接表示人的名词或代词。Agree to表示同意(或赞成)意见,to后多杰表示计划、建议、安排等的名词。

5、ask sb. for sth.和ask for sb./ sth.

ask for 后接某人时,意为找某人,接某物时,意为要某物。ask sb. for sth.意为向某人要某物

6、kinds of 各种各样的。

7、take a seat 请坐

8、be famous for 因…而有名

9、acrosscross hough

across是介词,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体表面上或沿着某一条线的方向进行的动作,放在动词后。Cross 是动词,后接名词。

Through 是介词,表示的动作是在内部空间进行的,只船过沙漠、森林等。

10.arriveget toeach

arrive是不及物动词,接介词in/at + 地点名词。到小地方用at 到达地方用in。reach 是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。Get 是不及物动词后面接介词to,再和表示地点的名词连用。

11、at the end of 和to the end

at the end of表示在……末,可表示时间也可以表示地点。To the end表示到(某一终点)为止。可指时间,地点

12、be worriedworryworry about

be worried是系表结构的短语.worry可用作及物动词和不及物动词。做及物动词,意为使烦恼,后接宾语,表示人的代词或名词。做不及物动词,常与about连用。Worry about sth.


borrow 表示借进,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用。Borrow sth. from sb.或Borrow sth. from somewhere。Lend表示借出,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用。Lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth。keep 与一段时间连用。

14、wait for 等待

15、in time 及时

16、make one’s way to 往……走去

17、get/be lost 迷失(道路)

18、just then 正在那时

19、first of all 首先;第一

20、be readye/get ready toe/get ready for

be ready 意思是做好准备,表示一切准备就绪的状态。Be ready to和get ready to意为准备,都接动词原形。Be ready for和get ready for意思是“为……做好准备。”后接名词或代词。



22、stop to do sth. 和stop doing sth.

stop to do sth。是表示“停止做(原来做的)某事,去做另外的某事,stop doing表示是停止正在做的某事。

23、say ellspeak alk

say多只用言语表达自己的意思,强调说话内容,是及物动词。Speak做不及物动词指说话的能力和方式,做及物动词时,后接语言的名词。Talk指互相之间的谈话,做不及物动词,与介词to、with连用。Tell指把一件事或一个故事讲出来,有连续说的意思。Tell sb. (not) to do sth.



25、much too oo much oo many

much too常用在副词或形容词前,too much修饰不可数名词。Too many修是可数名词复数。


look着重于由视觉得出的印象。Seem暗示有一定根据,这种判断往往接近现实。两者后面都接形容词、名词。后面接动词不定式时,用于It seems (to do) that 结构时,只能用seem

27、look see watch read


28、listenlisten tohear

listen表示有意识的听,强调听的动作。常单独使用,引起对方注意。Listen用作不及物动词,listen to强调听的动作。Hear用作及物动词也可以是不及物动词,强调听的结果

29、maybemay be

maybe是副词,意思是也许、可能,常用在句首=perhaps。May be中may是情态动词,be是动词原形,用在句中。

30、justjust nowjust then

just做刚刚的意思时,常和现在完成时连用,位于助动词后,行为动词前。Just then意思时就在那时


job是可数名词,work是不可数名词,一般表示抽象意义的工作,可用a piece of work修饰。

32、in hospital in the hospital

in hospital指住院。In the hospital则是指在医院里。

33、put onwear

put on 强调动作,wear 强调状态



35、hundredhundreds of

hundred当他和具体数词连用时,hundred不能用复数形式,hundreds of意思是数以百计的,表示一个不具体的量或夸张的说法。

36、how long how soonhow often

how long主要是对一段时间进行提问,答句通常是for three days. how soon 是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,答句通常是in+一段时间。How often用来提问某一特定时间进行某个动作的次数,答句通常是always. usually. often. sometimes. once.

37、help sb. do sth.help sb. to do sth.help sb. with sth.

help sb. do sth.和help sb. to do sth.可以互相使用。help sb. with sth.后接代词或名词。

38、hear/see sb. doing sth. 和 hear/see sb. do sth.

hear/see sb. doing sth.意思是“听见,看见某人正在做某事,表示动作正在进行。hear/see sb. do sth.意思是听见,看见某人做了某事,即动作全过程结束。

39、forget/remember to do sth和forget / remember doing sth.

forget/remember to do sth意思是忘记,记得要做某事,表示动作还没有发生。forget / remember doing sth.意思是忘记,记得曾经做过某事,表示曾经做了,而记住/忘了,这里的动名词所表示的动作已经发生过了。

40、make a noise 吵闹

41、stand in line 站在队里

42、at the head of 在……最前头

43、throw about 乱丢;抛散

44、have a good time 过的快乐

45、in fact 实际上

46、quarrel with (和某人)争吵

47、enjoy oneself 玩得快乐

48、half-way 在途中;半路上

49、feel like 和 would like.

Feel like后接名词或动词ing形式。Would like的用法是would like to do/would like sb. To do/would like sth.


Awake是形容词,与be连用,表系表结构,wake是不及物动词,与up连用,wake up是自然的醒来; wake him up是被叫醒。

51、Sleep/fall asleep/get to sleep/go to bed。

Sleep强调睡觉的动作,是延续性动词,与时间状语连用;be asleep 表状态,是系表结构,fall sleep是动作的过程,侧重于自然入睡。Get to sleep 多用于否定句。Go to bed着重于商船准备睡觉的动作。

52、Before 和ago


53、Among 和between

Among 是三者或三者以上;between用于两者之间

54、Cost /spent/pay/take

Cost只能用物或事作主语sth cost sb. Money。It takes sb. Some times to do sth。Spend的主语必须是人,spend on sth./spend doing sth。Pay 的主语必须是人,sb. Pay some money for sth./pay sb/pay for sth.

55、Fell off/fell down

Fell off是从某个地方摔下来。Fell off her bike. Fell down 是摔倒的意思


Topic: Free time activities

教学目标 语言目标 What do you usually do on weekends?

I sometimes go to the beach.

How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.

Most of the students do homework every day.

能力目标 Talk about how often you do things

语言结构 Wh-questions

What do …?

How often …?

Adverbs of frequency


学习策略 Using context

Transforming information

重点词汇 Always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never;

exercising, shopping, skateboarding,;

once, twice, three times a week, month, every day

milk, junk food, drink

Teaching procedures

Task One Who is the best English student?

目的 Talk about how often you do things

Steps Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

务 Step 1 Introduce the key vocabulary.

Ask the students to say what they see in the thought bubbles.

Check the answers on the board. Name each activity.

Repeat reading the following:

watching TV, reading, shopping, skateboarding, exercising, drawing

Step 2

Play the recording twice.

Correct the answers. Listen and write the letter of one activity(a through e) after the word in the list.

Step 3 Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Practice the dialogue with one student.

Walk around the class to offer language support as needed. Work in pairs to make their own conversations about the people in the picture

Step 4 Explain how to do Activity 2a and 2b.

Play the recording four times.

Check the answers. Listen and number each activity.

Listen again and draw lines between the activities and the time statements.

Step 5 Have one student to read the list of activities to the class.

Fill in the chart with the words in 2a.

Make conversations.

Present the dialogue to the class.

务 Step 6 Ask the students what they can do to improve their English. Give as many things as they can to improve English.

Step 5 Draw the table with the given examples on the board.

Move around the room offering language support.

Ask the students the questions on the right. Go around the classroom to ask questions so that they can find who is the best English student.

Answer the questions:

1 Why do you think that?

2 What does that student do?

3 How often does he/she do it?

后 Step 6 Ask one student to read the survey.

Talk with several different students about the activity survey and guide the students to respond.

Point out the magazine article.

Check the answers. Talk about the survey with the teacher and get to know the definitions and percentages.

Fill in the blanks in the article.

Step7 Check the answers. Do exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook to practice the language presented in this unit.

Task Two Who is the healthiest?

目的 Learn to talk about how often they do things to keep healthy.

Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

务 Step 1 Check the answers.

Say the words in the box. Match the pictures with the words in the box.

Repeat the words after the teacher.

Step 2 Move around the room monitoring their work.

Ask two students to present their dialogue. Two students read the conversation.

Work in pairs to make their own conversations with the words in 1a.

Step 3 Play the recording four times.

Check the answers. Listen to the recording and circle Yes or No or I don’t know.

Fill in the survey in 2b.

Step 4

Ask two students to read the conversation in 2c.

Move around the room monitoring the work. Work in pairs to practice the conversation in 2b.

Step 5 Give some examples of healthy things and unhealthy things.

Ask some students to read their writings. Write about themselves. It must contain:

1 What healthy things do you do? How often?

2 What unhealthy things do you do? How often?

Step 6 Present the rules for the competition about the most healthy diet for the week. Make a diet for the week and show the diet to the class and also give some explanations.

务 Step 7 Read the instructions to the class and elicit the answer to the first question from the class.

Ask the students to do the activity individually. Read the letter and write answers to the questions.

Step 8 Move around the room while the students are working, offering language help if needed. Fill in the blanks in Paul’s letter individually.

